Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer Comments

  • Russ 2023-02-09 20:24:06

    The title is...

  • Linnie 2023-02-05 09:06:01

    In the end, why do you blame us for being accomplices? You guys interact with him frequently to satisfy his vanity,...

  • Garth 2023-02-04 23:58:22

    Awesome, the three-hour genre film completely blurs the boundaries between feature films and documentaries. The process is very suspenseful and tense. The director's creative purpose is not to show the whole process of the event, but to use these 180 minutes to Documentaries have become an addictive entertainment...

  • Eric 2023-01-29 07:05:47

    Probably the best of Netflix's crime-themed documentaries in the past six months. When I saw the second episode, I suddenly realized, eh, I know about this case, but I didn't think there was so much content behind it. After seeing the third episode, I can finally see the whole picture. This is really a famous game that psychotic killer has carefully planned for three years. Even use the characteristics of the Internet's favorite cat to seek attention. The FB pursuit team reflected on whether...

  • Vaughn 2023-01-27 18:58:16

    there's price to pay there's consequence for your actions! In 2009, someone wore a cat abuse video on YouTube, and a group of cat slaves who played Facebook all day became angry. They were determined to make human flesh, this cat abuser scum. The cat abuser and the dead house played a game of cat and mouse. He uploaded two other videos of torture and murder, and predicted that his next target would not be a cat, but a human... A documentary about the notorious killer (no spoilers here) , I...

  • Kolby 2023-01-25 11:31:35

    The second episode was a bit broken and the last episode was pulled back...

  • Sister 2023-01-09 17:03:08

    In the second episode, it turned out to be the case back...

  • Barton 2023-01-03 23:36:22

    "It's very sad that everyone is talking about Luka Magnotta and no one remembers Lin...

  • Ibrahim 2022-12-07 12:41:50

    It's good to watch the recent true crime series by netflix, but the title is very misleading. I thought it was a spoof or cute content, so I couldn't eat it while watching the results... When this case happened back then I didn't dare to watch the video and just listen to the content is enough to be disturbing. Today, I was forced to make up all of them...

  • Erwin 2022-11-30 01:53:09

    A very watchable documentary, it would be a pity not to make a movie. The main part is the cat-and-mouse game between Luca and netizens and the police. What is more interesting is the part after Luca was arrested. The passages that use "Instinct" to expose lies are especially...