Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer Comments

  • Jaime 2023-09-16 08:18:55

    Why don't people like the murderer die? They should be...

  • Darien 2023-09-09 02:44:24

    A symbiotic relationship that feeds each...

  • Osbaldo 2023-09-01 12:15:16

    The documentary finally forgot the depression patient who was violently forced to death by public opinion in the first episode. He may not be completely innocent, but he ended his life early. And Lin Jun's death, in the end, only let people remember: his parents no longer have a son to support them, which is not fair. Perhaps this is the reason for the name "Don't mess with cats": People may have become accustomed to the passing of human lives, but they can never accept that they see kittens...

  • Ima 2023-08-26 00:37:43

    The last episode and "Instinct" cross-edited part, very exciting, wonderful than the...

  • Scarlett 2023-08-13 13:27:28

    Aside from the fact that the last episode was a little sluggish, it was still pretty good. When I saw the identity of the victim was confirmed, I remembered this news that caused an unusual sensation in the country at that time (but because of too many sensitive words, it could not be paid attention to continuously). If I remember correctly, the threesome went on for an episode. Although I know that the documentary has its own context and focus, the deep regret and sympathy for the victims and...

  • Jorge 2023-07-24 00:27:46

    space coma space丨A good self-directed and self-acted performance by mtfbi, the whole world is his studio, and the audience who came with the flag of animal protection, smelling blood and bloodthirsty, was also regarded as the extras of "curiosity killed the cat". As they reflect, the voyeuristic desire of modern people actually provides fertile ground for patients with performative personality to constantly break through the bottom line to satisfy their inflated ego. With triple staring, I also...

  • Jacey 2023-06-27 18:33:50

    When the friend of Jun Lin said that his son takes care of his parents in Chinese culture, he is the hope of the whole family. Fuck me really deeply offended. There are two other doubts. Was he self-directed when he was found from the beach and taken to the hospital? Who is the last hand in one of the cat abuse...

  • Laurine 2023-06-22 15:11:59

    People who discriminate against Chinese and discriminate against homosexuals eat blood steamed buns that make people vomit. It's better to find out the real situation of Lin Jun's case. A kind and compassionate person, because of his sexual orientation, bears a stigma. The video of the murder has been circulated on the Internet for countless people to watch. How painful his relatives and parents must be. On the other hand, the murderer's status quo became famous overnight, and his dream came...

  • Duane 2023-05-31 23:46:12

    The development, the tracking, the ending of the criminal and the whole thing is very contemporary, very internet age, very pop culture age. Maybe it's not over at...

  • Casey 2023-05-28 19:11:11

    The development of this god is quite shocking... I think the most sick person in the whole film is Lucas's mother, so many absurd remarks eg he is just a child etc. It is conceivable that if there is a mother, there must be a...