Charlie's Angels Comments

  • Vern 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    3.5 stars. Looking at beautiful women with integrity, I will not protect Professor X in the...

  • Horacio 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    In the past two years, there have been more and more female films, and each of them is really a cool female film! Good looks, good figure, beautiful clothes and makeup, smart and smart, I will all fall in love with them! There are so many familiar faces in the movie! ! The beautician from Orange Is the New Black is also here! Ha ha ha...

  • Kristian 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    cheap girl, dick...

  • Reggie 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    The passing line for action sightseeing films is not even enough, and the capital just wants the money for women's rights, and thinks it's all given, but the audience is not stupid. ....

  • Christelle 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Overall it's okay, that is. An old man who has been fighting for a just cause for 40 years, just to pave the way for his blackening after retirement? ? ? ? Even if you choose a saint to reverse it, it will be good. However, the music is good, and Xiao K can be considered as a beauty hit me...

  • Clay 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Since women can be portrayed as props with big breasts and no brains in some movies, this movie can also describe men as props with small breasts and no brains. Feminism, like all -isms, is just a business. In addition, the advertisement of a package is really hard and...

  • Deven 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    The big cool movie of the all-girls class, all kinds of sassy, ​​make people feel relaxed and happy. I also watched imax, it's eye-catching. There was a scene where one of the heroines was lying on the ground and surrounded by men, I was frightened and suffocated with fear. Of course, I felt relieved in the next second, because she was not the only one fighting, my sister and sister stood up. I also like the scene at the end of the film, the transmission of female power. There is a line in this...

  • Blaze 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    It's really boring, but it's a little bit fun. It should be the most unreliable reboot film over the years. The budget of 4800 is a medium and low cost. There is no spark in the matching of actors. I feel that watching TV series, there are actually a lot of settings that are worth developing, and finally I fell into the vicious circle of the copycat "Mission Impossible 1", and reversed for the sake of reversal. The whole film still has an embarrassing taste in the literary drama, but the action...

  • Sidney 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Who doesn't want to watch beautiful girls fighting and killing, cool movies should look like cool movies, this one is embarrassing if you can't let go of the jokes. The old version is silly and sweet, but it is straightforward and cute, and the logic is also concise. From time to time, I wonder if Ralph killer can make sense in humanitarian terms, how can the screenwriter do this...

  • Zachery 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Better than earthy posters, because they actually...

Extended Reading

Charlie's Angels quotes

  • Jonny Smith: [after everything she put him through] Wanna run away with me?

    Sabina Wilson: God, you are so desperate!

  • Jane Kano: We probably shouldn't get caught standing over a dead body.

    Sabina Wilson: [dirty after fight] Not dressed like this, no.