Dogs of Berlin Comments

  • Ignatius 2023-09-08 21:56:18

    Boom boom boom collapse~~ The first 7 episodes have a very catchy rhythm, and the tail is slightly scattered. The subject matter is great (other countries are in dire straits), and the digging is a little...

  • Martin 2023-08-29 16:16:45

    Immigrants, the extreme right, and other real social problems in Germany have dramatically escalated. The rhythm is tight and the climax is high. The character creation is quite rich, the choice of fate and the advancement of the plot are full of immersion and even full of...

  • Krista 2023-08-14 20:34:10

    nice. However, the last four episodes did not give me a good impression, but the overall is still very good. Multiple lines have their own development and can be brought together. Everyone feels hateful one second and a bit pitiful, helpless and even kind, and occasionally a little humorous. Erol's boyfriend feels a bit redundant, I think Erol and Kurt are more CP. I didn't expect these two male protagonists to spark so much before watching. Kurt looks at Erol and smiles meaningfully every...

  • Jerrod 2023-08-14 00:01:45

    I chased five episodes in one night, and I didn't put down my phone and went to sleep until 5:00 a.m. I was worried that I would die suddenly... The first half was very straightforward, saying that people have no choice like dogs, or that they think they have a choice after pulling poop. The background of the story and the political metaphors and irony are very obvious. The sudden appearance of the dog in the first episode is the highlight, and it is important to explain why the dog is there....

  • Jarvis 2023-08-07 16:42:23

    The first three episodes were great, and the middle and last part started to get frustrating. In the end, the adult world is really a piece of chicken feathers, and only two little friends still have a little...

  • Floy 2023-08-07 09:49:28

    It's so pretty! ! ! Every character has two sides, full of action, but...

  • Santina 2023-07-29 04:25:56

    One of the best German dramas I've ever watched! ! ! ! The high-energy plot of the whole process is so compact, ten episodes are not enough to see too many characters and no extra characters [the last Bigger is really...

  • Chase 2023-07-19 03:54:27

    The efficiency of the Germans is really high, ten episodes got rid of fifty...

  • Cullen 2023-07-01 08:40:18

    Adrenaline soaring~ (For those who said that the branch line and the clues can't be linked together... I still say that the main line is not clear......

  • Maverick 2023-06-24 17:59:59

    The festival is compact, the police, the gangster IQ is online! A murder case, a ball game, triggered a change in the whole city! There are many dogs in Berlin! Some "dogs" are dragging all over the floor, just using this place as a toilet, a place to walk. Some "dogs" regard this place as their den and defend it with their...