Ophelia 2022-02-10 08:01:25
It’s an animal movie I like, but this movie has a lot of problems, but it’s a comedy after all, and I just like to watch Jiangzi’s peculiar movies, and there are even 2-3-4-5 in this movie...but it’s a movie. The source is so hard to find! Can't find even 2! Really...
Grayce 2022-02-10 08:01:25
08.9.23tjtv broadcast, dubbing...
Kelsie 2022-02-10 08:01:25
Many movies about communicating with animals have been made. Just be relaxed and happy. Everyone may have this or that kind of talent when they were young, but they have been suppressed, and they have become ordinary when they grow...
Clare 2022-02-10 08:01:25
Uh~Generally, I don’t like the movie too much, but I can’t say it’s a waste of time as a...
Eloy 2022-02-10 08:01:25
Well-done typical Hollywood comedy genre. It's more clichéd. Special effects are...
Katrine 2022-02-10 08:01:25
https://www.bilibili.com/video/av24241211 The male doctor has a "special function", in order to save a mouse, mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration https://www.bilibili.com/video/av23112973 The male protagonist should go Being a veterinarian, talking to animals is a gift and should be used well....
Doctor Dolittle Comments
Extended Reading
Dr. John Dolittle: How come I can hear you talking?
Lucky: I dunno. Maybe you're just weird or something.
Dr. John Dolittle: Shut up. You're a dog. DOGS CANNOT TALK.
Lucky: What the hell do you think barking is, an involuntary spasm?
Lucky: Hi, I'm Lucky! It works on two levels, I love it!