Divines Comments

  • Alexanne 2023-09-23 23:22:34

    I saw the freedom of the movie ~ I like it...

  • Annetta 2023-09-11 19:59:30

    Made by female gangsters. While paying attention to such people, the director poured too much sympathy into them. It is not society, but the family and themselves, that decides them to commit crimes. Criminal factors are often...

  • Kenyatta 2023-09-11 04:52:50

    Roaring from start to...

  • Genoveva 2023-09-04 08:27:57

    The performances of the two little girls and the final ending of the movie are great - innocence, freedom, rebelliousness, middle school, and the beginning of love finally ended with the parting of best friends, but the chaotic refugee life did not see the end... Sad! PS: The driving part of the brain hole is very wonderful and the deepest...

  • Scarlett 2023-09-02 14:41:32

    Unlike the usual refined and romantic French films, this one has a rather unique vibe and "dirty" vibe, realistically showing the life of a French ghetto girl from another perspective, and after a promising plot, the director Still designed a very tragic ending, but also very reasonable. As a debut novel, it is too powerful, not only in the control of the story, but also in the combination of sound and...

  • Jettie 2023-08-23 01:47:07

    The street presence and vitality full of power, a vote of unknown actors made me hallucinate that this is their life (scolding vocational school teachers and female drug dealers are especially ruthless), but the method is not naturalistic, the director is very impressed with the new film. The old art forms are rubbed together and used, the clip that imitates driving a Ferrari is very flying (it is really moving and has sound effects), selfie videos, rioting the block, and give me a tall and...

  • Karina 2023-08-13 01:16:47

    The heroine feels...

  • Rahul 2023-07-19 18:31:56

    Take an imaginary Ferrari ride on a warm...

  • Jarvis 2023-07-19 12:24:32

    The idiots complain about the injustice but can't see the biggest evil is that they are trapped in a cycle and deserve the fantasy that Ferrari will eventually expand into a violent fire. It's just that the angry heroine is a big French cousin. ....

  • Trudie 2023-07-16 14:51:32

    The old-fashioned plot in the first part will make people disgusted with the hysteria in French dramas, but when the story becomes more complex and in-depth, the rhythm is not relaxed, there is tension and abundant emotions, and finally it is used as a medium to adjust the heavy theme. A dream love also ended without a hitch, thus avoiding the stereotype and ending well! The lead actress is...


Director: Houda Benyamina

Language: French Release date: November 18, 2016