Diary of a Chambermaid Comments

  • Brandy 2023-08-07 03:41:03

    Indecipherable text. From the initial acupuncture to the lightning and thunder at the end, the irony of class is neither painful nor itchy. The motives of the heroine are also more ambiguous. There are a few surreal shadows that are hard to capture in the text, but not...

  • Thea 2023-06-27 20:18:30

    Awesome! Classic technique textbook and cloth foot...

  • Titus 2023-05-02 01:46:03

    Buñuel's first and only anamorphic film. Criticizing bourgeois society from the perspective of a maid, while shifting the background of the era from the 19th century to the late 1920s, it highlights the anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevis thought in France between World War I and World War II. In the plot arrangement, the two previous employers were merged into one family, thus creating a coincidence that two deaths occurred on one day: the old man who died violently by paranoid fetish, and the...

  • Juvenal 2023-03-21 19:38:23

    Buñuel's scheduling is really...

  • Bartholome 2023-03-21 18:41:34

    1. Can't appreciate the charm of Buñuel; 2. The heroine's transformation is too fast and difficult to...

  • Candace 2023-02-17 10:01:10

    A little girl with a wild boar and rabbit was raped and killed...Metaphorical montage...A satire and criticism of the nobility of the fallen...

  • Dusty 2022-09-29 10:56:28

    Joseph said to Celestine: "You and my soul are the same." - The soul who will do anything for the passion of life, the passion and stupidity caused by hallucinations and imagination, is the cornerstone of countless social upheavals....

  • Leora 2022-09-25 05:46:35

    To be honest, this movie really disappointed me. I feel that with the ability of Lao Bu, the book can be made more exciting. Now this story is too mediocre, especially the second...

  • Diego 2022-09-18 06:44:58

    It's hard to rate, as a film it is mature and watertight, but very realistic, except for the snail on the girl's leg in the middle and the wolf chasing the rabbit in the forest, the rest is not too "Bunuel". The critical meaning is quite obvious, almost everyone who appears is guilty, and the only innocent girl is dead. Anti-Semitism everywhere, the storm of the French Revolution. Morrow's Maid is an elegant, mortal goddess of...

  • Rowan 2022-08-20 19:03:05

    I've seen the least Bunuel piece. It is reasonable to say that Mirbeau's greatest masterpiece meets Lao Bo and then Moro is a match made in heaven... But the power of the text conveyed by the film is not very strong, Old Bu also completely lost his advantage in respect/prudence - if it's just about women's careful thinking, then he's far worse than Chabrero. Only Morrow is super...

Extended Reading

Diary of a Chambermaid quotes

  • [first lines]

    Céléstine: Are you from the priory?

    Joseph: Yes.

    Céléstine: Is it far?

    Joseph: You'll see.

  • Céléstine: It's strange, how the country always seems sad. - I guess, people don't have much fun here.