Devil's Knot Comments

  • Talon 2022-10-02 20:42:15

    The scenery is very beautiful, but the people in it are very bizarre. I didn't intend to be disrespectful to the real prototype, but the detective found the three suspects to be excusable inexplicably? Believed that the police forced a confession? Do you have to argue that all cult activities are fictitious and non-existent? Speechless. In fact, you and the police are both looking at people wearing colored glasses. The people you are looking at are different. Finally >>>Heavy Metal: Blame me?...

  • Lilliana 2022-10-02 18:34:56

    It’s too much for the 90's...

  • Golda 2022-10-02 18:33:19

    The first 20 minutes were pretty good-looking, and the suspense setting was very attractive, but in the middle, it was shot with scattered sand, especially in the court trial. It was boring without a climax and focus. At the end, there was a huge pit and a hasty mess, and a fall! Fortunately, the court trial also has a beautiful human background. Ready to go to the original...

  • Austin 2022-10-02 12:28:12

    There are Oscar winners, Oscar queens, and the most acting little green devil in the 20th generation. As a result, such a mediocre work has been made. All the roles have become group performances, and none of them have any sense of existence. How did you do it as a director? Not as good as the HBO...

Extended Reading

Devil's Knot quotes

  • Terry Hobbs: You're supposed to be a grieving mother. You start behaving like one. You hear me?

  • Margaret Lax: The police seem so certain, are you sure you wanna do this?

    Ron Lax: Yes. Yes I am.

    Margaret Lax: It's just that sometimes you take these things so personally. You know, you lose perspective. You get obsessed.

    Ron Lax: That's right, Magggie. When I see something like this happen, when I see a town lose three of its children, and they sacrifice three more for revenge, then I do take it personally.