Devil's Knot Comments

  • Jessyca 2022-11-19 08:51:31

    It's too slow. A good subject with such a thriller is filmed in such a lengthy manner. Although the process is complete and there is nothing shoddy, it is really unimpressive. I thought the scenes in the courtroom could be shot with a little more passion. My favorite legal fan didn't see it at all. Samsung gave my uncle a droopy...

  • Bo 2022-11-16 22:36:31

    The power of the real thing is powerful enough and shocking, but this movie is really average. The position is too clear in the first place. The overall narrative is like blaming the police and the judicial system, and there is no objectivity at all. The plot lacks focus and is straight-forward. Colin Firth's character is inexplicable, and it would have been better if he had spent more time focusing on telling the story from his point of...

  • Darius 2022-11-02 08:07:18

    Those headless unsolved cases are really desperate! Fortunately, all the actors in it performed well, and the script was as detailed as a highly literary...

  • Brice 2022-10-30 04:56:09

    No idea. Is Colin a soy...

  • Jana 2022-10-24 05:09:10

    First there was the 2012 documentary "west of memphis" and then this one. And "Dallas Buyers Club" too. It's all discussed, let's make a fuss...

  • Hadley 2022-10-22 07:06:40

    Under the guise of a real person, the film emperor and the film queen go to sell family...

  • Estefania 2022-10-08 23:50:57

    I have read related articles before, and there are actually many things that can be unearthed in this real case: involving a cult, a minor murdering a young child, loss of police evidence, conviction even with other obvious suspects, and so on. But such a good suspense subject, plus the movie queen and the little green devil, shouldn't be so boring to be filmed. For such unsettled cases, I don’t think we should take a preconceived attitude to shoot. The director’s tendency is too...

  • Sigmund 2022-10-06 02:39:08

    The headless public case is flat and straightforward, looking desperate. Far from the drama and twists in those few documentaries, but the actors performed well,...

  • Ellen 2022-10-03 17:03:02

    There are strong actors and casts, based on real unsolved unsolved cases, involving cults, perverted murders, police inaction, judicial injustice, etc., but the director just wants to explain the clues one by one, regardless of whether the logic is straightened out, put a movie It's a pity that the subject matter that can be digged is lifeless, and the storytelling is so...

  • Abigayle 2022-10-02 22:54:40

    The familiar faces are amazing! When I watch it, I can’t control it, but before I watch it, I know that the end will be a big hole. . ....

Extended Reading

Devil's Knot quotes

  • Terry Hobbs: You're supposed to be a grieving mother. You start behaving like one. You hear me?

  • Margaret Lax: The police seem so certain, are you sure you wanna do this?

    Ron Lax: Yes. Yes I am.

    Margaret Lax: It's just that sometimes you take these things so personally. You know, you lose perspective. You get obsessed.

    Ron Lax: That's right, Magggie. When I see something like this happen, when I see a town lose three of its children, and they sacrifice three more for revenge, then I do take it personally.