Demonic Comments

  • Jason 2023-04-23 11:46:07

    Sometimes the rhythm is disrupted. It's really a fire. Watching horror movies is to enjoy visual oppression, and I will switch you back to the scene of the interrogation when it is...

  • Agustin 2023-04-23 04:05:23

    The frightening technique at first glance is too tacky, but the story is okay, and the final ending is a bit...

  • Gloria 2023-04-17 12:45:05

    "Everyone must die for me to...

  • Lysanne 2023-04-07 23:39:57

    There are movies with beginnings and ends, with few surprises, and haunted houses are not...

  • Allan 2023-03-23 21:50:15

    Don't be a dead haunted house, don't take your pregnant girlfriend to...

  • Vita 2023-03-21 08:33:19

    It's all produced by Wen Ziren. In contrast...this film is really boring...except that kiki is really...

  • Zita 2023-03-09 06:20:57

    Another group of young people killed themselves, but the three-line narrative is somewhat...

  • Troy 2023-03-03 20:44:57

    I've seen it, and I've watched it again (⊙o⊙) Oh, I've said don't play with the devil, the free western hairy boy just has no...

  • Vincent 2023-02-23 04:54:32

    Old-fashioned ~ Wen Ziren is the...

  • Colton 2023-01-01 16:49:02

    PRODUCED BY JAMES WAN & LEE CLAY. The two-line cross narrative is okay, the expected reversal, not very heavy, but the effect of the house is...


Director: Will Canon

Language: English Release date: October 10, 2017

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