Delhi Crime Comments

  • Jaleel 2022-11-14 06:31:14

    It seems that there have always been messengers of justice surrounding the deputy policeman, giving people a glimpse of hope in India, a country with a strong religious flavor but a lot of rape cases. Let those inhumane people pay the price they deserve for their vile and disgusting...

  • Camylle 2022-11-08 15:57:52

    Justice may be late, but six beasts and one scumbag will definitely come, making people angry! The huge gap between the rich and the poor and the backwardness of culture and education are the root causes of the...

  • Maxie 2022-11-07 07:08:20

    You can't imagine that several prisoners in the play are so naive, you can't tell what heinous people are, what do you mean? The occurrence of tragedy may just be a distortion of the ideological concept, and most people have no concept. The screenwriter shows the country's values ​​and worldview through small things and details all the time, ranging from the survival of the police to the life-and-death conflict of a chicken. The few words of the glasses brother are very profound, a bit like a...

  • Maximillian 2022-10-31 10:28:48

    The angle doesn’t like the theme too much. Of course, I don’t deny that there are good police officers, but is the collective cognition of the people all...

  • Lela 2022-10-27 16:50:53

    After reading it, I don't want to travel to India...

  • Felicia 2022-10-24 17:46:29

    I must stress again that justice delayed is not justice, what is lost will not come back, if justice and justice are not the first time, it will never have the chance to fulfill its original meaning. The essence of the rest is just remedies, and its meaning and value is only to soothe and calm people's hearts, so it's disgusting that less fucking justice is late. In the minds of the poor people in the third world countries, there is absolutely no government, so-called lawlessness, no rules, no...

  • Bradford 2022-10-22 18:37:38

    Produced by Netflix. Adapted from real events. The script is quite solid and interspersed with the description of Indian society outside the main plot. From police officials to ordinary people, of course, suspects, etc., there is also a certain perception. As for the meaning record itself is the meaning...

  • Carolyne 2022-10-18 06:48:09

    He thought that his sins would shame his mother and commit suicide, the same one who committed horrific atrocities against women he didn't...

  • Tressie 2022-10-08 10:06:38

    I liked the feel at the beginning of the film for a second. I watched every episode very nervous. The process of solving the case was really difficult. I could tell what happened to the Delhi Police Department. After reading and searching for the prototype of the story, I felt very heavy Repentant criminals and juvenile delinquents who have been sentenced to three years, even if violence cannot be overcome, they should pay blood debts and...

  • Cleve 2022-10-08 00:35:35

    The country of India is really suffocating, destroy this sinful land like Sodom and...