Delhi Crime Comments

  • Ulises 2023-05-02 03:42:21

    The supplementary bid is not an ordinary police and criminal crime film, but a social drama that reflects the Indian society through the case. The case itself is very simple, but the social status quo behind the case is outrageous. In addition to the extremely serious issue of women's rights and interests in India itself, the hierarchical system with clear barriers in the police circle, and the Indian police who caught the prisoner turned their fingers into each other and pulled the prisoner....

  • Rosemary 2023-04-17 00:40:37

    brilliant drama, great women, best drama of 2019 my...

  • Camilla 2023-04-13 01:38:33

    I hope this sin will never be...

  • Skylar 2023-04-05 10:22:37

    Based on the appalling bus gang-rape in India in 2012, it is centered on the police's perspective, and the documentary investigative footage penetrates into the texture of Indian society. The story focuses on the process of chasing down six brutal murderers in six days, under the command of a strong female police officer, after the incident happened. A rich sample of social problems, extreme cases arouse extreme emotions among the people, the police system operates abnormally, and events...

  • Colt 2023-04-03 08:00:41

    I don’t know what to say about the TV drama I’ve watched the most crying recently. I hope that women in India will continue to speak up for their rights, not only to protect themselves, but also for future Indian women to get better Struggle to live with...

  • Francesca 2023-03-30 03:06:05

    It took two days to watch this new drama off and on, and I was very indignant. The play is based on the black bus case in India. In my diary "Beautiful Innocence", I recommended the documentary "India's Daughter" on the same case, as well as several other female-themed documentaries. After watching this drama, I re-watched "India's Daughter" again. The performance of the TV series is much more delicate than that of the documentary, and the portrayal of each character, the development of the...

  • Sunny 2023-03-29 18:14:21

    The subject matter is very good, the content mining is too shallow, and the angle is even a little bit happy, similar to "under the leadership of the three generations of Yingming Shenwuhong, the vicious case of the untouchables killing the middle class was detected". I don't know whether it was because the director's family immigrated to Canada for a long time and could not fully understand the core of expressing various social problems in India, or because the drama was commissioned by the...

  • Alvah 2023-03-25 06:48:35

    Two points are very impressive. First, the part that the police officer said in the car is thought-provoking-they have not received sex education, they imagined from pornographic films, objectified women, and robbed them if they couldn't get it, regardless of the consequences, anyway. They also have nothing; the second is the last scene - that is the voice of the people, I hope that the six criminals will be hanged to apologize, it is just a wish, I checked the information, the minors have been...

  • Adalberto 2023-03-05 22:12:24

    As women we should really be thankful that we weren't born in India, a country I would never want to go...

  • Dennis 2023-02-25 15:58:39

    It turns out that India is also a dual-track police system. From the perspective of the police, it fully shows the detection process of the black bus gang-rape case in India, and the dominance of women is impressive. A good criminal investigation drama must also be an excellent social profile, which is the case with this...