Deep Impact Comments

  • Ottilie 2022-03-21 09:01:42

    1.5 This should be said to be the worst of all the disaster films I have seen so far. There are not many disaster scenes, but it is more like a biopic with an alternate background. The rhythm is slow, and the tone is like a literary film. I thought it could involve some profound content, but the whole process turned out to be like a documentary, showing the whole process of the boring comet bombing. During the period, there are some emotional entanglements of the people on Earth. Of course,...

  • Sadye 2022-03-21 09:01:42

    The heroine's choice of family at the end of her life is good, but the love part is too ridiculous. Female director, black president. There are many things that can be imagined, such as China becoming the world...

  • Dave 2022-03-21 09:01:42

    After many years of watching a good film, it finally caused a little disaster, and said a lot of things in 2 hours. If it does happen, I will top...

  • Deontae 2022-03-21 09:01:42

    with beloved...

  • Modesto 2022-03-20 09:01:36

    This movie is often confused with Bruce Willis' Doomsday movie, hehe, but that's good enough, so this is it. . . , watch it like a disaster...

  • Timothy 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    I just found out that the director is a woman!...

  • Emile 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Oh, I'm so excited to see it, Lao Yu said that a country needs some people to look up to the sky, Jobs said: If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right! Yes, we need think about our...

  • Elaina 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    I like disaster films, because in the face of disaster, human nature is highlighted, beauty and ugliness are...

  • Weston 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    It was a disaster movie that I thought could compete with the Titanic~~ It turned out like that, but the ending still made me...

  • Miles 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    The timeline is too long, and the middle is procrastinating to talk about so many unrelated things... I watched it for 40 minutes and there was no disaster...

Extended Reading

Deep Impact quotes

  • Spurgeon Tanner: We don't have time to talk, Houston. There's nothing we can do about the smaller one, but... we do have a plan. We need the arming codes for the last four nukes.

    Otis Hefter: Arming codes? What the hell for?

    Spurgeon Tanner: Mitch, we can do or we can teach. What's your pleasure?

    Otis Hefter: [sighs, and shouts to his people] Get the arming codes! Get the God-damn codes!

  • Jason: You know you're gonna have a lot more sex than anyone else in our year.

    [the whole crowd start shouting and applauding]

    Leo Biederman: Really?