Deep Impact Comments

  • Trycia 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    When I was very young, the whole family watched the movie in the movie theater that made the whole family go to the movie theater. One of the Titanic movies is this one, but the only thing I can remember is the beginning of the discovery of the comet and the last scene of the father and daughter facing the...

  • Tara 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    First, I don't believe in human nature at all, and second, I don't believe in luck at all. Third, it's nice to have a...

  • Ezequiel 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    In the last century, it was definitely a very powerful sci-fi film. "The Day After Tomorrow" and "2012" are not the same thing. The latter is simply a remake of the...

  • Carson 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    ★★★☆ The special effects are very good, but the story is a little worse than the disaster film "Doomsday" of the same period, and the box office finally confirmed...

  • Roger 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    Rarely watched it at the neighbor's house~I only remember a small part of it crashed into the sea~And the two people at the...

  • Joaquin 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    It's a complete drama, thanks to the fact that I didn't watch it when I was a child, I guess I can't understand what's going on after watching...

  • Wilburn 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    Just look at the title to know what's going on, as these films always do. In fact, this kind of blockbuster will have some details to bring you a little touch, a little encouragement, even if it is very short, and the ending subtitles are forgotten as soon as they come out, this is...

  • Garett 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    It was the first time I went to the cinema to watch it, and I still remember eating a blueberry-flavored ice...

  • Clifford 2022-03-22 09:01:36

    I can't remember the plot. Anyway, I only remember that there were a lot of movies about the comet hitting the earth during that...

  • Ollie 2022-03-22 09:01:36

    When the catastrophe comes, the person you most want to be with is the person you love the...

Extended Reading

Deep Impact quotes

  • Spurgeon Tanner: We don't have time to talk, Houston. There's nothing we can do about the smaller one, but... we do have a plan. We need the arming codes for the last four nukes.

    Otis Hefter: Arming codes? What the hell for?

    Spurgeon Tanner: Mitch, we can do or we can teach. What's your pleasure?

    Otis Hefter: [sighs, and shouts to his people] Get the arming codes! Get the God-damn codes!

  • Jason: You know you're gonna have a lot more sex than anyone else in our year.

    [the whole crowd start shouting and applauding]

    Leo Biederman: Really?