Deep Impact Comments

  • Makayla 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    It's easy to compare this film to Michael Bay's "Apocalypse" because their plots are so similar. The only difference between the two films is the setting of character clues. This film has a lot of character clues, but each of them is not deep enough, which is...

  • Jacinto 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    The earth keeps escaping catastrophe. 2012, are you...

  • Cassandre 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    It would be much better if the plot design kept the anchor and the father...

  • Fay 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    I don't know why I went to the cinema to watch...

  • Jarrell 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    Compared with "Peerless Heavenly Tribulation" of the same theme in the same year, this film is a piece of...

  • Jeff 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    A very ordinary American blockbuster. ....

  • Leonard 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    Doomsday Ascension ~ Watch the Sea Die Fast ~ Some People live and Some People...

  • Abigayle 2022-04-20 09:01:37

    The heroine is too much like my brother Tom, especially if you look at that attractive little mouth. ....

  • Viva 2022-04-20 09:01:37

    A bit wordy and rambling, with too many clues and uneven development of several lines. The Messiah appeared again when I was about to forget it, halo~ But the depiction of human nature is still in place, and the special effects scenes are also great. As a disaster movie in 1998, it is already quite good! It's not good to say it, after all, it's a female director~...

  • Vincenzo 2022-04-20 09:01:37

    I watched it on TV a long time ago...Actually...I's better than...

Extended Reading

Deep Impact quotes

  • Spurgeon Tanner: We don't have time to talk, Houston. There's nothing we can do about the smaller one, but... we do have a plan. We need the arming codes for the last four nukes.

    Otis Hefter: Arming codes? What the hell for?

    Spurgeon Tanner: Mitch, we can do or we can teach. What's your pleasure?

    Otis Hefter: [sighs, and shouts to his people] Get the arming codes! Get the God-damn codes!

  • Jason: You know you're gonna have a lot more sex than anyone else in our year.

    [the whole crowd start shouting and applauding]

    Leo Biederman: Really?