Deep Impact Comments

  • Brenna 2022-04-22 07:01:11

    The science fiction films of the late 1990s were full of doomsday complexes. The pit~~ Well, there is something to watch about the female anchor's line and the collective sacrifice of the main theme at the...

  • Juston 2022-04-22 07:01:11

    Survival probably depends on power. If it is in China, I am afraid that the lottery to enter the cave is mostly...

  • Myrtis 2022-04-22 07:01:11

    After watching it, I didn't feel anything special, not shocking. Maybe it's because I've watched too many disaster movies...

  • Birdie 2022-04-22 07:01:11

    Call it a sci-fi film, there are countless flaws, call it a human nature film, it is boring to vomit... The most extreme thing is, why can't someone say goodbye to their family before...

  • Treva 2022-04-22 07:01:11

    The most impressive thing is the title of the film. I remember this word when I spent 550 on the new Oriental,...

  • Berenice 2022-04-22 07:01:11

    It was not popular in 2012 in 1998, so proud Americans unrealistically created stories of comets hitting the earth but being stopped by them. It can be seen from the advanced and now inferior special effects floods that washed down the World Trade Center. . Personally, I think this film is far from normal like last year's "Doomsday". It's not how good the latter is, but the director of the former wants to say too much, and the result is...

  • Letitia 2022-04-22 07:01:11

    I used to say that 1999 was the end of the world, so there is such a...

  • Hayden 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    Rewatched it again last month, the Americans saved the planet again, without the Americans, we would be over long ago,...

  • Mae 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    I watched it when I watched it more than ten years ago. When I watched it again yesterday, I found that the spelling is not special effects, and the description of people still has...

  • Friedrich 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    Because this is a movie I went to the cinema to watch when I was very young,...

Extended Reading

Deep Impact quotes

  • Spurgeon Tanner: We don't have time to talk, Houston. There's nothing we can do about the smaller one, but... we do have a plan. We need the arming codes for the last four nukes.

    Otis Hefter: Arming codes? What the hell for?

    Spurgeon Tanner: Mitch, we can do or we can teach. What's your pleasure?

    Otis Hefter: [sighs, and shouts to his people] Get the arming codes! Get the God-damn codes!

  • Jason: You know you're gonna have a lot more sex than anyone else in our year.

    [the whole crowd start shouting and applauding]

    Leo Biederman: Really?