Deep Impact Comments

  • Davon 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    There were more and more films of this kind, and I’m not sure if I have watched...

  • Kevon 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    OMG, the old film of 98 was very procrastinated at the beginning, but from different angles to show how human nature is in the face of disaster...Although the effect is not perfect, this film is also considered a...

  • Gracie 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    If I am not selected, you and I will embrace until the end of...

  • Marley 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    A neat and clear leftist disaster blockbuster, the ideology that the film wants to convey roughly includes: 1 you can't completely prevent the disaster from happening; 2 some unpredictable factors may even exacerbate the disaster: the comet is split and heads to the earth. Here comes; 3 Left-wing governments (black presidents) and the news media basically represent positive energy, and sometimes concealing information is justified to maintain order. 4 The savior spaceship team with...

  • Enos 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    Now look at the high-tech 3D computer demonstrations in the 90s movies. It's really vaporwave. . . Female version of Tom Cruise. The dad of the 70s show is a NASA commander and is looking forward to his...

  • Julie 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    6.5/10 points. Insufficient disasters, more human nature. . . As an ordinary audience, I still like bombardment. . . Therefore, Michael Bay’s popcorn "The End of the World", which was released at the same time with the same theme, was a big hit at the box office. Ha ha. . . The biggest problem is that human nature cannot match logic. The atomic bomb that mankind possesses can already blow up the earth. Are you afraid of a small comet? ....

  • Toby 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    Replaying old movies, classic disaster movies, facing the flood, the heroine and her father hugged to death calmly, cruel and touching, facing a comet, the smallness of human civilization can be seen, but the greatness of human nature also shines on the stars. between. The special effects look simple now, and they were also top-level productions. Think about it 20 years ago, and now I am not incapable of producing such a large-scale special effect. This shows the high level of the Hollywood...

  • Joana 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    There are not many special effects in the whole film, but the standard is good, all supporting emotions, and the emotional portrayal is good, but there is no exciting plot to escape. The greatest and most precious meteor shower in the movie is the suicide bombing of the entire ship’s astronauts to save the planet. I was moved by the president’s last words. Cities fall, but they are rebuilt. brick we lay,with every field we sow,with every child we comfort,and then teach them to rejoice in what...

  • Robin 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    A score of 7.4. I saw that some people in the hot reviews said that the quality of "Wandering Earth" was between "Rescue to the Center of the Earth" and "Crash between Heaven and Earth", I think it's quite objective. If you don't blow up, you can only have a say after you have seen it. The film does not work hard on disaster special effects, and pays more attention to shaping the future atmosphere of the world and the choices of human nature. If you encounter this kind of thing in reality, it...

  • Andres 2022-01-26 08:15:12

    The best portrayal of people and humanity in the disaster movies I have seen so far. The behavior and selection of the characters are logical, not just a tool man driven by the...

Extended Reading

Deep Impact quotes

  • Spurgeon Tanner: We don't have time to talk, Houston. There's nothing we can do about the smaller one, but... we do have a plan. We need the arming codes for the last four nukes.

    Otis Hefter: Arming codes? What the hell for?

    Spurgeon Tanner: Mitch, we can do or we can teach. What's your pleasure?

    Otis Hefter: [sighs, and shouts to his people] Get the arming codes! Get the God-damn codes!

  • Jason: You know you're gonna have a lot more sex than anyone else in our year.

    [the whole crowd start shouting and applauding]

    Leo Biederman: Really?