Deep Blue Sea 2 Comments

  • Holden 2023-08-29 21:50:25

    It's just a silly...

  • Bethany 2023-07-21 06:08:46

    I can't believe it's a 21st century movie. This way of doing it in the 1990s is too...

  • Millie 2023-07-16 20:45:31

    What face do you dare to call Deep Sea Crazy Shark 2, even the first one is not very...

  • Creola 2023-06-28 22:20:08

    The plot is old-fashioned, the characters are relatively impersonal, and the heroine with big breasts and short legs is not exposed. In the end, too many people survived, so I had to give bad...

  • Lilyan 2023-06-08 07:21:39

    I haven't watched the first one, so this one looks okay~~ Just two flares can kill the big...

  • Alisha 2023-05-24 05:29:09

    The second part is not as exciting as the...

  • Clinton 2023-05-20 03:17:24

    It's not good-looking, the content is unattractive, and the plot is full of loopholes. Animals are animals after all, and the cruel one will never...

  • Carolyne 2023-05-06 04:08:40

    It's shameful to waste audience...

  • Jose 2023-05-05 13:20:24

    It's not that the shark's IQ has become higher, it's the man who killed...

  • Mireya 2023-03-30 04:47:42

    The plot was not enough, and it started to panic at the...

Extended Reading

Deep Blue Sea 2 quotes

  • Carl Durant: [about the sharks] They're learning how to learn and they like it!

  • Trent Slater: Sharks don't eat nerds.