Deconstructing Harry Comments

  • Winnifred 2023-08-08 14:22:18

    This is clearly an interpretation of Woody Allen, pure autobiography. Woody Allen's own novels are intertwined with reality, with a bit of "Mulholland Drive" and...

  • Iva 2023-08-03 03:55:45

    Ugh, I like Adaptation. more. Hate the jump cut, Woody Allen's lines are funny, the characters are...

  • Justyn 2023-07-31 01:33:49

    Woody Allen's most ingenious one, the intricate plot connections are like a roller coaster, and the jokes are completely Woody-style. Each functional character is endowed with a unique humor. Woody's inspiration can always be seen in the skein of the thread. Deconstruction is actually a deconstruction of himself. Although it is a self-repetitive work, it is of great...

  • Chaz 2023-07-25 08:33:12

    I really want to practice sketching before painters complete large-scale works. It is wonderful to explore literary creation with the means of...

  • Yvette 2023-07-24 20:54:28

    The film is inspired by Woody Allen's favorite director Bergman's classic work "Wild Strawberries", which is also one of Woody Allen's semi-autobiographical works. The film, as always, has wonderful dialogue, unique structure, interspersed stories, and various old memories without being obtrusive, showing Woody Allen's profound skills as a screenwriter. To a certain extent, the film undertakes the dual tasks of Woody Allen's self-criticism and self-obscenity. The absurdity and strangeness...

  • Lemuel 2023-07-24 15:39:53

    It wasn't until the film developed that Woody said he was going to receive an award that I felt a little bit of "Wild Strawberry". Later, when I read the introduction, I learned that it was a tribute to Bergman. Bergman's is now a classic, and Woody's "remake" has a style of his own, which looks terribly interesting. And...the "sex comedy" at the beginning made me laugh so hard, Woody Allen isn't specializing in sex comedy, but it's more interesting than anyone...

  • Emmalee 2023-07-20 00:15:21

    Watching the old man write, direct and perform, and then through the deconstruction of love, I see a selfish and useless self-portrait out of focus. The self-knowledge given by the old man is: who can't function well in life, can only function in art. The solution is: know yourself, stop kidding urself, accept ur limitations, and get on with ur life. Sad and funny. Deconstructing sadness is actually happiness below the surface. It's just that we didn't realize it....

  • Ellen 2023-07-19 18:47:45

    it's like Vegas. you're up, you're down. but in the end, the house always wins. doesn't mean you didn't have fun. The old Woody who was always filming on the view of life saw me now too I don't know if he is an optimistic pessimist or a pessimistic hedonist or something. I hope the old man will shoot for a few more years. This really reflects his strong...

  • General 2023-07-16 08:20:04

    I was thinking that if I could write all my fantasies, whether it be words or music, I could be as talented as Woody Allen. But genius and ordinary may be just a little off. ////// A person's life depends on how he distorts the truth, cruel...

  • Major 2023-06-28 03:25:34

    Invincible Allen's biography is called "Life in the Movies", and the origin of the name is related to his starring role in each of his own films. This one is called Deconstructing Harry, because the film uses Harry's different works to explain his disappointment in real life. In the words of a psychiatrist, each work reflects Harry's mental...

Extended Reading

Deconstructing Harry quotes

  • Lucy: You take everyone's suffering and turn it into gold, LITERARY GOLD!

  • Harry Block: [to his brother-in-law Bert] I think you're the opposite of a paranoid. I think you go around with the insane delusion that people like you.

Deconstructing Harry

Director: Woody Allen

Language: English,Hebrew Release date: January 2, 1998