Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy Comments

  • Blanca 2022-12-07 02:18:10

    Rotten batch, nothing...

  • Weston 2022-12-06 23:39:26

    When I watched the first film starring Jason, I felt that the film was very amazing. Do not take the usual path and bring the audience a unique sensory stimulation! It's a pity that the second and third parts later did not have Jason. The quality of the film has also been declining. I thought the trilogy was over. Unexpectedly, there will be a fourth volume. Yellow storm as always. Danny Trejo played soy sauce again, without dedicating violent action scenes. It can only give people the visual...

  • Nadia 2022-12-04 10:03:24

    This work has finally become a B-level film in a relatively thorough manner. Various character settings are very comical, and the bloody index has skyrocketed. It is a stage for props design and stunt doubles to show their talents. Instead, it highlights the selling point of this...

  • Bria 2022-11-29 16:49:10

    Frank is not dead, because Frank is a spirit, a...

  • Ona 2022-11-09 18:27:53

    watching while lifting the...

  • Geovanny 2022-10-27 18:48:05

    In fact, the racing game added a little blood. . . . Nothing fancy, rather boring. not...

  • Christy 2022-10-26 13:17:55

    Complementary standard. If you don't understand, ask, does this have anything to do with the previous...

  • Cheyenne 2022-10-13 18:06:08

    The ending is...

  • Trenton 2022-10-09 05:53:45

    Death Speed ​​can still be filmed, but it has been completely reduced to a standard B-grade film, with naked body, surname Jiao, blood plasma, violence, everything. I don't know if the mask was taken from a Predator. The pig's feet vs. the sickle man feels like watching WWE, it's really cool. One last star for my favorite villain face, Old Man...

  • Precious 2022-09-29 23:20:03

    The timeline of the series has been completely...

Extended Reading

Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy quotes

  • Baltimore Bob: [Lists has just explained Carley's criminal history to Gibson] She's an ex-cheerleader

    Connor: Ex-porn star

    Lists: Ex-actly

    Baltimore Bob: Never did a day's work vertical.

  • Lists: [Lists is describing Gibson to Goldberg for Baltimore Bob] Connor Gibson. In for felony... whatever. Two counts, six counts, who's counting? He's in here with the rest of us. I wish I had a few more b-bullet points for you, but he's a question mark.