Deadgirl Comments

  • Declan 2023-02-15 04:43:27

    The history of corpse-themed movies is rarely linked to teenagers, and the director's entry point is undoubtedly bold and straightforward. On the surface, it is to put hidden and dark desires on the table. Going a step further, it is the vulnerable groups in daily relationships (school/family/love) who have been bullied and suppressed for a long time and are eager to vent, in order to gain the pleasure of transposition control. A slightly contemptuous ending: how about you instead? The...

  • Stephany 2023-02-14 04:21:11

    Nima, read it wrong, the title is the same, a waste of...

  • Blaze 2023-01-16 08:06:19

    Although bloody is nothing, but this one really feels heavy in...

  • Keyon 2023-01-08 18:00:13

    The subject matter is very...

  • Taurean 2022-12-26 15:44:54

    Cult elements are quite complete, the script is too...

  • Haylee 2022-12-20 09:31:49

    2012,02,02 Every teenager has a dirty little secret. After watching it at night, I was so scared~ I didn't dare to sleep. . . Going to have a nightmare. . .

  • Aric 2022-12-19 03:48:38

    I want to vomit just remembering...

  • Lacey 2022-12-19 03:45:33

    Nice story, but it's too...

  • Remington 2022-11-30 04:15:41

    The design of the second version of the alternative zombie film for American teens is a bit strange about destroying the brain and not killing people and having human emotions. Oh God, I was going to watch the Murphy...

  • Nicole 2022-11-19 09:04:30

    It's boring, I forced it to finish it. The ending couldn't be better for Rick, after finally having a goddess who can't be...

Extended Reading

Deadgirl quotes

  • [JoAnn see's Rickie staring at her in P.E. class]

    JoAnn: What are you staring at?

    Rickie: You.

    JoAnn: [JoAnn smiles] No you're not.

  • [JT threatens the bully Johnny to go and tell the cops about the dead girl]

    JT: Go to the cops. Send me, and Rickie, and Wheeler to jail... And yourselves. See, you won't be fit to tackle a retard with polio by the time you get out. Me and the boys? Well, we'll miss a couple of divorces, and handful of brats and about a million shifts at the gas station. See, jail is full of motherfuckers like us. We got nothing to lose.


Director: Marcel Sarmiento

Language: English Release date: April 20, 2013

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