Dark Habits Comments

  • Deonte 2022-07-09 16:13:21

    They take drugs, raise tigers, write pornography, and engage in concubines, but they are good nuns... no... so "good", they are just human beings. Almodovar's films are always related to people's desires. No matter how humble or absurd, he can talk about it with a level-headed attitude. Amo is the male director who can best describe women. I think the reason has nothing to do with sexual orientation. He is just willing to treat women as human beings and the main body of the story, not like...

  • Myrna 2022-07-09 14:22:35

    C / The end is liked, and it begins to present a hazy psychological picture that cannot be easily...

Extended Reading

Dark Habits quotes

  • Superiora: It's our best room. I hope you like it.

    Yolanda Bel: It's really nice.

    Superiora: I could bring a Mick Jagger poster if you prefer it.

    Yolanda Bel: Everything's fine.

  • Superiora: The Marquise has fallen to the worst vice. Stinginess.