Dark Habits Comments

  • Clair 2023-02-08 03:15:29

    This tiger? Could it be the leopard that evolved from "Baby Tales"? The chattering Hepburn became the desolate nuns who had nowhere to say. The women of the Almodovar movies are always...

  • Marge 2023-01-24 19:55:50

    The drug woman tiger is sharp enough and...

  • Garnett 2023-01-12 04:22:23

    The subject matter was shocking, and it had a huge impact on Spain, which had just come out of the dark rule at that time, but it already showed the director's style, such as red, such as the incredible ethical...

  • Zelda 2022-12-31 20:31:29

    The old film can't be too demanding, it's far from what I imagined. What it wants to express is more profound. The doctor cannot heal himself, and the excretion channel is no different from the...

  • Mercedes 2022-10-13 20:39:59

    This is the fourth to last movie, and there are three more, and that subtitle is really hard for me to watch. I watched this film on and off, and I wasn't very interested in religion, nor was I very...

  • Roscoe 2022-09-05 09:43:34

    Perhaps this is Lao Mo's most beloved little...

  • Trycia 2022-09-03 00:25:19

    The nun inserting the telescopic needle into the cheek. The nun keeps tigers in the garden. Drug-addicted nun. "One part of my body needs you, the other part hates you" "My only sin is to love you too much" The old nun published the nuns' lustful confession stories into a book. Lara striptease for the nuns. A nun sleeping on a needle...

  • Kale 2022-07-09 22:11:23

    Almodovar's third feature film is a marked improvement over the Labyrinth of Desires. The entire trivial fragment serves the same theme—dark habits, but the intensity of the ending still needs to be strengthened....

  • Marcellus 2022-07-09 18:16:24

    A group of eccentric nuns lives in a convent with a tiger, the abbot takes drugs, houses addicts and murderers and controls them, is gay and falls in love with a female singer. There are no villains in the film, each is busy with his own desires. It's hard to explain the female singer's last act of self-help or betrayal? The bright colors, the seemingly messy narrative, the sarcasm of the church, the unruly...

  • Makayla 2022-07-09 16:28:12

    The opening is a city with a slow flow of night, a very good foreshadowing. MICK JAGGER on the wall points out that the theme of this show is "rebellion"~~ The Little Convent condenses the human feelings of the whole society, "largo de aquí, canalla" not only reminds Yolandal, but also everyone is dissatisfied with the status quo of life People: Go your own way and let others say...

Extended Reading

Dark Habits quotes

  • Superiora: It's our best room. I hope you like it.

    Yolanda Bel: It's really nice.

    Superiora: I could bring a Mick Jagger poster if you prefer it.

    Yolanda Bel: Everything's fine.

  • Superiora: The Marquise has fallen to the worst vice. Stinginess.