Damnation Comments

  • Guiseppe 2023-08-08 08:24:50

    What is life like the walking dead? At the end of the film, the protagonist walks through the muddy garbage dump in the rain, which is the most realistic portrayal. There are already shadows of Beratar's later films, so desperate to tell the story and portray the characters, it almost sends the audience into...

  • Deja 2023-08-05 17:58:13

    I'll miss you at dawn / I'll see your forehead in the morning mist / But darling / I won't see you after I die / Because I don't believe in the afterlife / My favorite long shot of dancing at 1:39 , the lingering rain is flowing on the window, the music is gradually stopped, the sound of the rain is getting louder, it is the most lyrical Bella Tal I have ever...

  • Evangeline 2023-07-28 02:46:45

    4.5 Very beautiful black and white photography, the atmosphere is quite similar to the style of the old tower, but the story concept is completely different. Beratar's story is very simple, conveying the loneliness of life through a scene of bitter love triangle and cold...

  • Krista 2023-07-15 18:14:27

    Bellatar's long shot is like the ink of a novel, like the tip of a pen moving slowly across a piece of paper, from the distant view to the close-up, from the overall description to the details of the scene, from the exterior to the interior—and vice versa; Following the traces, the rhythm of the image is replaced by the reading of the picture, and the movement of the camera is slightly directional. Time and space are connected by a long ropeway, and rain will inevitably cover this wet land,...

  • Dallas 2023-07-02 01:55:57

    Black-and-white photography, long-lens field flow adjustment, can be called a magic trick, and God Tarr is still like this in his early thirties, awesome. But be sure to get enough sleep before watching, and sleep a little after nine o'clock in the...

  • Brain 2023-06-14 15:54:56

    Dilapidated town, apocalyptic scene, the sound of stepping on a puddle at the end makes people very anxious, people and dogs bark at each...

  • Braden 2023-06-10 02:42:01

    The opening was very Antonioni, and finally began to shoot with a large depth of field. There was a bit of Anzhe in the bar singing. The lateral movement technique is a bit Mizoguchi's artistic conception. In the end, Yuha, who passed by the ruins in the rain and remembered Aki, died while walking in the ruins. This film is suddenly different from the past, playing with formal skills, scheduling composition, shifting positions horizontally, and poetic lines. If you didn't know that Bellatar...

  • Melody 2023-06-07 23:02:26

    In a corner forgotten by God, even sin is too lazy to breed. . From beauty to theme to atmosphere and mood, it's like a scaled-down version of Satanic...

  • Wiley 2023-05-31 22:07:35

    It's not the most classic movie, but the look and feel is exceptionally good. Beratar's shots are always lyrical and the camera is always dancing with the actors. (Do you all like dancing so much? I really want to shoot dancing) Photography has the shadow of Rehberger. After reading "Sculpting Time", I seem to be able to understand Bella...

  • Eloise 2023-05-25 04:13:07

    If you haven't watched Satan Tango, you should give it four stars. Compared with Satan Tango, um, it is obvious that although the language of the camera, the theme you want to express, and the way of presentation have all matured, they have not exploded. Two hours is only a short film for Beratar,...

Extended Reading

Damnation quotes

  • Karrer: When you looked at me yesterday. I realized something. I realized that, between you and a world forever out of reach, there is a strange and empty tunnel. I don't know anyone else who knows that road. You're standing alone at the entrance to the tunnel because you know something I can't even put a name on, something deeper and more ruthless than I can ever understand. I realize that I can never get closer to that world. I can only long for it, because it is hidden by a light and warmth that I cannot bear. I have been able neither to believe in it nor to renounce it. Yesterday I realized I had made a fatal mistake. If I were to lose you, it would be the unforgivable end of me. Because I know nothing about that unnameable world. Since you are part of it, you mean the world to me. That can never change. Please don't repudiate me. Let me see you and I'll do anything for you. Kick me, spit at me and I'll return again and again for you to kick and spit at. Because you are right, you are ruthlessly right. And I really do love you.

  • The Singer: [singing] Take it or leave it, this is what you're stuck with. You lose your words, yet you cannot go.


Director: Béla Tarr

Language: Hungarian Release date: October 20, 1988

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