Cursed Comments

  • Glennie 2023-09-28 15:33:51

    It's all cliche, but fortunately there is a bit of black humor to save the...

  • Vivienne 2023-09-22 13:18:52

    Wes Craven's tone is entertainment, the film is easy to understand, and the atmosphere of the scary part is quite successful. It's that the female werewolf's shape is too comedic from the current point of view, just like a monster in a Japanese special film. Christina Rici is already a big name in this film. Jesse Eisenberg, who has not yet become popular, is childish, cute and cute. It's a pity that the beautiful fragrance Elizabeth is just a...

  • Cale 2023-09-15 00:51:19

    Two and a half stars, the first half is OK, the second half is messed up, that werewolf special effect is a...

  • Andre 2023-08-05 21:33:43

    All big acquaintances! The style is not uniform and the editing is wrong, but I like it so much! More suitable for drama rather than thin film! After being bitten, the older sister who works in the TV station deals with colleagues and suitors in various ways; the younger brother is nerd who has a crush on him and helps his classmates come out of the closet! Infect the dog at home, laugh! And hormonal attraction! All the settings are showing how suitable this is to be transformed into a magical...

  • Krystal 2023-07-31 06:26:00

    Jesse Eisenberg plays everyone like...

  • Rylee 2023-07-29 02:29:56

    Jesse is too cute. . ....

  • Dillon 2023-07-27 11:33:34

    Please honor JE with "The Sexiest Geek Werewolf Alive"! If you have straight hair, look at your naked body, what more can you ask for a rotten guy! Sending a good card to a basic friend can also make the other party give up the love before coming out. JE is always so lucky in the movie~ It turns out that the female werewolf hears other people making rumors about her "flat buttocks, elephant legs, and rotten skin". I'm so angry that I'm more mad than my middle finger, it's a thriller with the...

  • Kaylie 2023-07-07 13:34:33

    Although the plot is not good, it doesn't matter, I only care about Mengmeng's juanxi! Then I accidentally discovered that there is a little gay haha, their CP is called jimbo, and Bo started it...

  • Lavonne 2023-06-10 07:38:40

    This is really a comedy~ and I saw a lot of familiar...

  • Clyde 2023-05-10 10:32:47

    Little Jesse is a little bit good-looking, how can Kraven scream and scream like a...

Extended Reading

Cursed quotes

  • Jimmy Myers: [holding wrestling opponent high in air] You know what the best thing about being a fairy is, right? You get to fly.

  • Joanie: I guess there's no such thing as safe sex with a werewolf.