Criminal Lovers Comments

  • Emilio 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    A bit of a nerve-racking movie...I think Luc killed because he saw the boy's desire for the opposite sex and that's why he was...

  • Kaleb 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    Still trying to understand Ou Rong's films. Some subtle details are always engraved in the mind. The intense drama and open ending are unique...

  • Trycia 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    Love and be loved, involuntarily. Love doesn't make sense anyway. After experiencing the sensual pleasures of adults, where do the feelings...

  • Edyth 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    Jeremy Rainier is so handsome in the movie! ! ! ! It's a pity that it's disabled now--male pet movies, haha, I like it! So beautiful~ I mean the erotic part. There is no plot in the plot. When you watch an erotic short film, it will be...

  • Ulices 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    Love the pretty heroine and the...

  • Gladyce 2022-04-23 07:04:40

    Unlike what I thought, I thought it was a thriller. ①The boy killed another boy (who had qj'd her) at the instigation of his girlfriend, and then the two fled, but were captured and imprisoned by the mysterious hunter in the middle, and the boy was also trained by the hunter to be bisexual. The pair later managed to escape the hunter, only to be caught dead and arrested by the police who were chasing them. ②The story advances too much with the theme first (for example, how did the male...

  • Eli 2022-04-23 07:04:40

    It's easy to get bored with a structure like this, but Ozon handled it so well, the head-in-the-water part was so strong that I thought I was watching a Haneke...

  • Allan 2022-04-23 07:04:40

    The beginning of the Ozon-style movie, and then to explore the psychology behind the...

  • Dovie 2022-04-23 07:04:40

    This is a very weird movie. The strange uncle of the log cabin in the forest and the overwhelming eroticism of gender confusion make this film look full of deformed elements. If I were young, I must have liked it, a pity....

  • Candice 2022-04-23 07:04:40

    Implicit fairy tales and fables. The pervert is too fun. Maybe because the woman is really too...