Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel Comments

  • Eddie 2023-07-06 23:39:53

    The subject is too vague. In addition to the case itself, it also mentions slum issues, cyberbullying, etc., but several topics are covered and none of them can be in-depth. The Cecil Hotel's low prices, no deposit, loose management and location are the main reasons for attracting criminals, and the surrounding sprawling slums make the environment more complicated. Cyber ​​sleuth/cyberbullying talks about the impact on ordinary people's lives after the incident caused an internet sensation....

  • Emiliano 2023-07-05 15:00:24

    The sociological survey on LA and the hotel itself is well done. It's a pity that the Rashomon, built with invalid information, went round and round. The reenactment reproduced with actors is very unnecessary and disrespectful to the deceased. It would be good if the whole direction continued to explore the direction of the "guilt quarantine". Incidentally, the Nightcrawler Killer also stayed in this hotel. Back then, he went back to sleep after killing people and packing up. This is such a...

  • Friedrich 2023-07-01 05:56:55

    The four-star review is precisely because it is not metaphysical, and it is not made into Discovery fun. The angle chosen is a social...

  • Gerson 2023-06-03 07:01:45

    The Netflix version of "Getting Closer to...

  • Clifford 2023-05-30 15:08:36

    The final unanimous move to one conclusion is a bit too deliberate. If her symptoms made her act so strangely, then the main problem she was diagnosed with during her lifetime was not bipolar disorder, but schizophrenia (although a symptom that can be present at the same time, but the severity of the latter Often bigger, and the treatment is different. But she was bipolar, whether she mentioned it herself or took medication before her death). So I am not very convinced by this conclusion, and...

  • Nyasia 2023-05-23 04:06:43

    The short review said everything I wanted to say. There is nothing wrong with Netflix's human blood hotspot, the problem is that the production is too bad and it ruins a good theme. If it were me, it would be half an hour to analyze the video, half an hour to talk about the various social influences of psychic youtuber, and in the last half hour to popularize science, we really need to pay attention to the possibility of people around us suffering from bipolar disorder and mental illness. This...

  • Hoyt 2023-05-12 19:55:10

    Web Sleuth is a very expressive word. I have been attacked by the Internet, and morbid feels the same. My brother suffered from mental symptoms last summer. When hallucination came up, he was very frightened, because hallucination said to him: You are in such pain now, suicide is liberating. He was more fortunate than Lan Ke'er. He took medicine regularly and quantitatively. In addition, his condition was not bad. After three months of insisting on taking the medicine, he had improved...

  • Margarita 2023-05-12 10:20:12

    Compared with previous related documentaries, I saw some new details of the case: 1. When the hotel staff found Lan Ke’er’s body, the lid of the top floor water tank was open. This discovery subverted people’s inherent thinking, namely: Lan Keer Died of murder. 2. Lan Keer's clothes were taken off by himself, and the clothes were found in the water tank. The police also investigated the suspected Satanist, heavy metal rock singer Mobid. He faced the camera for the first time. After watching it,...

  • Agnes 2023-05-11 10:33:42

    You are Netflix! ! ! ! ! so...

  • Johan 2023-05-07 22:44:44

    It's not good in Netflix's documentary sequence. In fact, a story that can be told in 90 minutes. Behind the weird case is the least weird answer. People thought that Lan Kerr took the medicine, but in fact it was because she stopped the medicine. The most embarrassing thing in this story is the black metal musician, a "distance between us and evil" story. There are too many prejudices and moral killings on the Internet. Has anyone apologized to the...