Creed Comments

  • Britney 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    At this moment, the Rocky spirit has been inherited! It was shot neatly. What's a good opinion on boxing movies? It's nothing more than a sharp and fast editing, but the first game turned out to be his one shot to the end. It is a work of sincerity and...

  • Leo 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Stallone can play, and a few long mirrors are pretty...

  • Holden 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Cry! MB baby is great, there are a few points that I don't want, especially rewarding one star. Coogler really has his own unique set, I really like the result of the combination of his plain indie style and this business model script, the overall rhythm is very good Yes, the long mirror in the first game is amazing~ The music is also very good. The only downside is that I think the mother's line is a bit sloppy, but the flaws are not hidden. I hope Stallone will mention the male supporting...

  • Josue 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Dream back to 1976, but the American hero has been replaced by a black man. The 29-year-old Ryan Coogler's second Oscar nomination is a foregone...

  • Akeem 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Good enough, the hero is...

  • Madelyn 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    There are still the stereotypes of sports movies, but it is still very good-looking and has a sense of rhythm. The director's shot scheduling ability is good, especially the long shot of more than 4 minutes to show the boxing match. Its emotions are also very strong, and even if you haven't watched "Rocky", you can feel the helplessness and relief of the twilight years from its few lines. Stallone did a great job, and Michael B. Jordan was great too, and the chemistry between the two was the...

  • Lurline 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Rocky has cancer and is going to...

  • Peter 2022-04-23 07:01:38

    The script is actually pretty...

  • Eloy 2022-04-23 07:01:38

    I love watching stories of American street heroes. In particular, it also added Rocky's blessing. It turns out that boxing bosses are the most sought after professions by the American people. No wonder the highest...

  • Nathan 2022-04-23 07:01:38

    A big problem with this film is that the current boxing champion is fat... Maybe it's because he doesn't know how to control his weight before the...

Extended Reading

Creed quotes

  • Adonis Johnson: I can train at your house.

    Rocky Balboa: No I don't know nobody's been to my house in a long time you might be uncomfortable there.

    Adonis Johnson: What, do you walk around naked?

  • Adonis Johnson: [after finding one of Paulie's old porno magazines] Alright Paulie!