Ronny 2022-04-21 09:03:06
Maybe geniuses are a bit abnormal...
Crystal 2022-04-21 09:03:06
Why do you want to hear that bit?" "I like it. It makes me...
Bennie 2022-04-21 09:03:06
Check out The Origin of...
Bennett 2022-04-21 09:03:06
A little boring, add some...
Hester 2022-04-21 09:03:06
There are no ups and downs, only the warmth surrounded by sadness, Darwin's other main identity - Anne's...
Gracie 2022-03-27 09:01:18
In the process of Darwin publishing On the Origin of Species, great men are not easy; great men are also fragile. ....
Arielle 2022-03-27 09:01:18
The love complex is huge, cowardly, very GAY, and the water bottle represents the male...
Ned 2022-03-27 09:01:18
Strange narrative, beautiful shots, love the British autumn. And seeing the end, reminds me of "A Beautiful...
Alvera 2022-03-27 09:01:18
Jannifer's eyebrows slash to...
Jordi 2022-03-27 09:01:18
I didn't read it, so I'll make a quick...
Creation Comments
Lois 2022-01-19 08:01:10
Genius is also mortal
The birth of "Origin of Species". Many great scientific ideas were considered heretics at the beginning. Because "the argument is that the earth is spherical, there are humans in the other hemisphere." Italian astronomer Ceko Dascoli was burned alive. Bruno, the materialist philosopher of the...
Chanelle 2022-01-19 08:01:10
Faces of several characters
When I watched biographical movies in the past, I rarely thought about whether actors and actual historical figures looked alike. But in "Creation", Paul Bettany's temperament is undoubtedly very similar to that of the young Darwin in the famous watercolor painting. It is a pale, weak but stubborn...
[from trailer]
Emma Darwin: Do you not care that you and I may be separated for all eternity?
Reverend John Innes: Charles. Charles, my old friend, there you are. May I join you?
Charles Darwin: Yes. Yes, of course.
Reverend John Innes: Mrs. Darwin has told me about the book you're writing.
Charles Darwin: Oh, no, no, not anymore, thank goodness.
Reverend John Innes: You mean you finished it?
Charles Darwin: It's been finished for me, actually. A Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace has arrived independently at exactly the same opinion. Expressed in a... in a mere twenty pages. Now there's brevity for you. I had covered two-hundred-fifty so far and have come to a dead end, so whilst having wasted twenty years on the project, I have at least rid of it.
Reverend John Innes: Well... Well, the Lord moves in mysterious ways.
Charles Darwin: Hmmm, yes, he does, doesn't he? You know, I was remarking only the other day, how he has endowed us in all of his blessed generosity with not one but nine-hundred species of intestinal worm, each with its own unique method of infiltrated the mucosa and burrowing through to the bloodstream. And on the love that he shows for butterflies by inventing a wasp that lays its eggs inside the living flesh of caterpillars.
Reverend John Innes: I have said on many previous occasions, it is not for us to speculate at His reasons.
Charles Darwin: Oh, no, we can leave that to Mr. Wallace! Shall I advise him to stay abroad, do you think? With his opinions if he shows his face around here, he may be required to kneel on rock salt!
[snarls at Reverend Innes]