Coupling Comments

  • Clementine 2022-11-18 05:41:38

    The scale of the plot and dialogue in this film is perfectly beyond the limits of what I can accept, turning both sex and wretchedness into humor instead of funny, very British, worship. . ....

  • Syble 2022-10-01 20:42:24

    I watched the whole season in one afternoon, and I found that if I watched it in a crowd, I don't know how good it would...

  • Isac 2022-09-27 03:07:17

    Hahaha~~~~ Even after watching it for a long time, I still laugh when I think of Jeff's embarrassing baby. And the time to think of him usually occurs in situations that are not suitable for laughter, as he described in the play....

  • Kiarra 2022-09-26 13:43:41

    It is not only the ingeniousness of the jokes, but also the precision of the overall arrangement, which is elegant and playful to the extreme! PS: Jack davenport I can be crazy! !...

  • Keith 2022-09-16 07:28:31

    This font helped me make it too TMD...

  • Josefa 2022-09-08 20:20:47

    Good-looking, steve is stupid and cute. At first, I hoped that steve and jane would get together, but at first I couldn't accept susan because she looked like Yuan Qiongdan. . . Later, after watching more, I thought that steve still matches Susan. . This green leaf from jeff is really cute. The theme song perhaps perhaps perhaps it's wrong to have several versions, but it's still good...

  • Burdette 2022-08-04 21:42:37

    The ending is like a sudden death. Anyway, it's great fun watching...

  • Kennedy 2022-08-04 18:42:44

    Don't want to compare with friends, both are very good. Just after watching the first season, tears came out of my giggle loop laughing, and there was a scene in the reservoir dogs, wait, I like susan&steve very much. In the fourth season, I don’t like the new guy’s contrived work. It's just gone, it's a...

  • Cristian 2022-08-04 16:36:38

    Hilarious. But after the laugh, it was a little...

  • Lina 2022-08-04 16:25:01

    This kind of TV show that doesn't pretend to be B is really...

Extended Reading

Coupling quotes

  • Steve: [to Patrick] Your DNA must cry itself to sleep at night.

  • Jane: I really quite like being single. Except for the bit about not having a man.