Confirmation Comments

  • Jeanette 2023-09-20 20:22:41

    HBO TV and movies have always had a high level of performance, sharp editing, and a steady documentary style. Just like "Death Doctor", they have an obvious tendency to the parties involved. Very emotional after watching it. No matter what the result is, the power of such words and the way to speak out are quite...

  • Nina 2023-09-18 08:04:17

    Real events are more powerful than any kind of...

  • Elroy 2023-09-14 00:18:25

    Although the film maintained a fair attitude towards the image of Judge Thomas, the director did not hide his position and stood firmly on Dr. Hill's team. As for the politicians who acted as scumbags in the incident, the director did not hesitate to take the shots. The ugly faces of mercenaries are more disgusting than the sexual harassment...

  • Katelyn 2023-09-11 04:42:26

    In the film, the director has an obvious subjective tendency towards Professor Hill, and Thomas finally passed the nomination. This became a big mockery of the director's political history in the United States. Seeing the people's chrysalis' support for Thomas at the beginning of the hearing, Rashomon was impressed. have no choice. If someone treats me like this, I will be very moved, but if I treat my opponent like this, I will feel very sad and tired of...

  • Clemmie 2023-08-03 08:55:36

    The TV movie produced by HBO revealed a sexual assault case when Bush Sr. appointed a justice, which once caused a sensation. The woman who tried to resist gave up after days of live TV and heated debate. The truth has not yet been revealed. The film reflects how politicians block all kinds of unfavorable evidence, block all chances of overturning the case, and cover up the truth at all costs. The pseudo-documentary works well, and the connotation of the case is thought-provoking. 7.4...

  • Alexanne 2023-07-25 04:38:56

    Also adapted from real events, the presentation of the Simpson case in the American drama "American Crime Story" is much better than this. It also reflects complex issues of race, politics, entertainment, celebrities, and more. The film doesn't ask about the predicament. The biggest problem with this is that there is no evidence. This is the problem that this type of harassment has faced until now. In such a situation, no one wants to jump to conclusions. Compassion is one thing, conviction is...

  • Robin 2023-07-21 12:12:08

    Pretty good, especially how the ending is...

  • Vivien 2023-07-11 13:30:47

    not bad. Only when there are comparisons can you be disappointed. Look at the social impact caused by other people's public events, and then think about your own. Forget it, speak with...

  • Ellen 2023-06-10 00:25:41

    A lot of people think America is free, but maybe that's because they haven't lived there. Although I have only lived in the United States for more than two months, it is worth recalling that I lived in Manhattan half of the time and Queens half of the time, so I have experienced two extreme lives. My feeling is that the freedom of the United States only belongs to the lesser. Some people, if you have money and prestige, you can live very well in the United States. If you start from scratch, you...

  • Tyreek 2023-06-04 23:43:55

    It looks so depressing,...

Extended Reading

Confirmation quotes

  • Anita Hill: Why are you doing this?

    Charles Ogletree: I've got students more qualified than Thomas. Plus, I believe you.

    Anita Hill: What about tenure?

    Charles Ogletree: Hell, in 24 hours, I'll be able to get any job I want. Fuck tenure.