Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Comments

  • Jerald 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    George Clooney himself appears in the film dressed as Clark Gable. Although this film is not well received, the color matching of the last century, the transformation of stage setting and real life, plus the jazz from beginning to end, Clooney's aesthetics are superb! For someone like Chuck who would rather die than exaggerate, this should be what he wanted for a biopic. Motor and Brad Pitt gave Clooney a shot for...

  • Claude 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    Actually the story isn't great at all, and dangerous is just his own...

  • Archibald 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    Sophisticated story. In addition, think about American TV shows more than 50 years ago. Now the talent shows and dating shows on domestic TV are all...

  • Edgardo 2022-03-27 09:01:07

    After reading it, I found out that George Clooney turned out to be the director! The film itself is quite exciting, and the second half is more dramatic than the first half, especially the rivalry between Chuck and Julia Roberts at the...

  • Angelita 2022-03-27 09:01:07

    sam rockwell is very gary...

  • Herta 2022-03-27 09:01:07

    The picture was not found in the screenshot...

  • Erica 2022-03-27 09:01:07

    I actually went to see Maggie Gyllenhaal. . . Too soy sauce. ....

  • Aisha 2022-03-27 09:01:07

    Dangerous and interesting. Big names gather!...

  • Ludwig 2022-03-27 09:01:07

    If someone suddenly appeared and asked me to be a CIA agent, I would not hesitate. But having a wife like Drew Barrymore at home is another...

  • Jake 2022-03-27 09:01:07

    The choice of Charlie Kaufman's script for George Clooney's self-directed and self-directed debut seems unwise. Although it can be seen that he has directorial ambitions, he has a strong sense of immaturity. His script itself is easy to distort the characters due to excessive pursuit of complex plot twists, and if the rhythm is not well grasped, it will appear extremely procrastinated. The look and feel of the adaptation of the script is also not very good. Personally, I think Kaufman's script,...

Extended Reading

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind quotes

  • Chuck Barris: Go back to Scotland! Get yourself some Guinness, some Lucky Charms.

  • Patricia: Insane asylums are filled with people who think they're Jesus or Satan. Very few have delusions of being a guy down the block who works for an insurance company.