Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Comments

  • Vallie 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    Because we often talk about Norton, we always forget Sam.And this film made me admire him. There is also George Clooney, who is so beautifully directed, serving! A bunch of big-name cameos, and Uncle...

  • Mattie 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    The starting point is high and the script is good. Too much content is stuffed. This short comment shares the same feeling: "Do you tell a serious story in a joking tone, or tell a joking story in a serious tone"? Lean towards the latter, use the toilet comedian to play this cool black role, "The Adventures of the Bragging King", but the truth is that it is serious and not a silly end. The TV show for the three old people is an excellent ending. Music is good for appetite, and the picture works...

  • Willa 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    Adapted from the questioned autobiography of the father of American reality TV, it turns the life of a TV producer and a secret agent into a crazy adventure game. The plot is absurd, the role is neurotic, and the logic is reasonable. It can be said that true and false are also true. Clooney's first directing tube can make the biopics very beautiful, thanks to the escort of Kaufman's script, and also takes advantage of the contrast between the superstar temperament and sorrow of his friend Pitt...

  • Mazie 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    The overlapping juxtaposition of entertainment to death and cold war killing! 1. George Clooney's excellent directorial debut. The script was adapted by Charlie Kaufman from the autobiography of Chuck Barris of the same name. With this film, Sam Rockwell won the 2003 Berlin actor. 2. The film uses different lighting and color schemes in different spaces or timelines, including bright and flat TV program lighting, strong color romantic style, and dark-tone high-contrast lighting commonly used in...

  • Jeffry 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    In a transition from actor to director, George Clooney handed in a fairly satisfactory...

  • Kiera 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    I feel that I have not yet matured enough to experience the mood of this film, coupled with some cultural differences, it took almost a week to watch this film 4 or 5...

  • Francesca 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    Oh my god, it turns out that Pete and Matt are just a glimpse, even a...

  • Estefania 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    Certainly entertaining. 7 out of...

  • Joelle 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    This so-called autobiography is really pretending. SR played another role with annoying characteristics, but this time it was really annoying, especially seeing this man in the end was really annoying and he was like a gorilla in it...the identity of the CIA is too much, but the identity of the producer. Faded away. Penny, this good girl likes to...

  • Shannon 2022-02-11 08:01:24

    Clooney is very hilarious in this movie, or Charlie Kaufman's...

Extended Reading

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind quotes

  • Chuck Barris: Go back to Scotland! Get yourself some Guinness, some Lucky Charms.

  • Patricia: Insane asylums are filled with people who think they're Jesus or Satan. Very few have delusions of being a guy down the block who works for an insurance company.