Compliance Comments

  • Constance 2022-10-06 14:54:50

    The viewing process is extremely abusive, and such a terrible and shocking viewing experience has only been experienced when watching "Fun...

  • Virginia 2022-09-20 09:56:45

    emmm is a phone scam based on real events on the surface. It actually reflects the trampling of human nature in the United States, especially the human nature of criminals. It shows more people's fear of the state apparatus. It is indeed absurd but it is indeed adapted from real...

  • Julio 2022-06-16 23:15:52

    It can only be said that foreigners are too affordable. In China, who has not answered the call for court...

  • Gerhard 2022-06-16 22:49:50

    Sundance masterpiece - the subject matter is very good, a prank led to an intolerable sexual assault incident. The first thing I felt after watching the film was that the behavior of the people in the film was all idiots. Looking back, we are all obeying, A lot of things people say you should do, we just do it without thinking about right and wrong. Obedience is an action in the short term, but it becomes a habit in the long...

  • Shanna 2022-06-16 22:39:07

    Horrible viewing experience. Destined to be one of the most controversial films of the year. After the screening, it caused strong controversy and discussion, which can be regarded as a success of the film. It can be seen that the director also shoots with doubts and curiosity, and likes this mentality. The actors are excellent. As for the content, the blindness of Hannah and the Inspur students and the daily "stupid things" shown in this film are treated by public opinion by a thousand miles,...

  • Addie 2022-06-16 18:46:51

    This Chinese film is "The Rule of Law Online". Is there any need to waste...

  • Oda 2022-06-16 15:30:02

    The director's starting point is very kind. He wants to tell everyone to beware of liars by analyzing a phone fraud case, or go further and analyze why people do this. Of course, this is just as he said after the screening, and he himself does not understand. So it's very simple, the movie didn't make it well, let alone expect everyone to see why, this is a stupid thing done by a group of idiots. . . It's just that the few psychologists on stage trying to explain it are too...

Extended Reading

Compliance quotes

  • Officer Daniels: We really have two choices here.

    Sandra: Okay, what do you need?

    Officer Daniels: We need to find the money, but I want to make this as easy as possible for Becky, wouldn't you agree?

    Sandra: Yes, I would.

    Officer Daniels: So that's the first thing. And in this situation, either... and I don't like this... we drag her downtown, we book her, we process her, we put her in a holding cell, where she'll probably be all night.

    Sandra: That seems very extreme.

    Officer Daniels: Yeah, I mean, I think in order to keep this sort of contained, what we could do is just have you strip-search her right now. Would just be easier and quicker, I think.

  • Officer Daniels: Great. You're really helping us out here, Sandra. I was just telling Robert how lucky we all are you're there. You're almost like a real cop.

    Sandra: Ha! Well, I'm just trying to do my job.

    Officer Daniels: Well, you're doing perfect.

    Sandra: Thank you.

    Officer Daniels: Okay, so I'm gonna need you have her strip down now. Look through everything.