Compliance Comments

  • Jacklyn 2023-02-07 09:04:42

    One phone call can fool so many people into sexual harassment for so long. People should always be rational and not be frightened by...

  • Vivianne 2023-01-26 16:09:21

    People's choices are easily influenced by emotions, power, intelligence, social rules, etc., which is what the movie calls "brainwashing". As a person, you must have "bottom lines", and these bottom lines need to be grasped unconsciously, even if you would rather "make things bigger", you must also stick to the bottom...

  • Toby 2023-01-15 23:08:59

    The plot is a bit unbelievable. In China, it is estimated that the phone will be hung up immediately. The foreigners really know too...

  • Eddie 2022-12-24 16:08:35

    The story is that a harassing phone call caused the clerk to be humiliated. There is no need for such a long film to explain it, or the director's perspective is too simple and...

  • Kasandra 2022-12-22 00:06:31

    For such an experimental film of such a low-cost small production, it has been considered a good job! Depressed atmosphere from start to finish. . . In addition, I am optimistic that the heroine of this film will make frequent appearances in the niche film circle in the...

  • Kamryn 2022-12-14 02:47:33

    Naked irony and deep sobriety. This seemingly ridiculous real case, on the one hand, is a self-examination of the ugliness and ignorance of human nature. On the other hand, it is a direct satire and criticism of mechanical behavior and inertial thinking. A very good low-budget...

  • Elsa 2022-11-30 15:22:04

    I can totally understand the people in the movies who are brainwashed and do stupid things. Isn’t that how cults control their believers, isn’t that how salespeople deceive consumers, and even we are being played by this shitty world. Still feel right? ! In fact, we are all big idiots, but we are still trapped in lies and not sober. Samsung and a...

  • Makayla 2022-11-15 05:50:17

    Wow! Too much for my personal taste. From the film's point of view, it has a small layout, few characters, a very realistic theme and a meaningful ending. Well-structured narrative straightforward and compact. But from the point of view of real events, the people in the story are so idiots, and the hoax that is easily exposed has ended up in such a tragedy. But when you think about it, specific workplaces create specific people and mindsets. Obedience is actually a human instinct sometimes,...

  • Priscilla 2022-10-23 12:05:05

    A procedurally detailed case of fraudulent phone calls (regarding control and obscenity), based on true events. The liar pretends to be a policeman, and fools the receiver into believing it to be true... It roughly shows a process in which people gradually lose their judgment under limited choices and are easily brainwashed. The details are not much exaggerated, the techniques are plain, and the performance is believable, but the psychological discussion is limited to...

  • Lottie 2022-10-17 02:57:14

    Over 70 similar incidents were reported in 30 US...

Extended Reading

Compliance quotes

  • Officer Daniels: We really have two choices here.

    Sandra: Okay, what do you need?

    Officer Daniels: We need to find the money, but I want to make this as easy as possible for Becky, wouldn't you agree?

    Sandra: Yes, I would.

    Officer Daniels: So that's the first thing. And in this situation, either... and I don't like this... we drag her downtown, we book her, we process her, we put her in a holding cell, where she'll probably be all night.

    Sandra: That seems very extreme.

    Officer Daniels: Yeah, I mean, I think in order to keep this sort of contained, what we could do is just have you strip-search her right now. Would just be easier and quicker, I think.

  • Officer Daniels: Great. You're really helping us out here, Sandra. I was just telling Robert how lucky we all are you're there. You're almost like a real cop.

    Sandra: Ha! Well, I'm just trying to do my job.

    Officer Daniels: Well, you're doing perfect.

    Sandra: Thank you.

    Officer Daniels: Okay, so I'm gonna need you have her strip down now. Look through everything.