Compliance Comments

  • Susanna 2023-09-28 06:15:19

    When someone is authorized, the evil is spread...

  • Casimer 2023-09-25 12:25:20

    Another horrific movie to...

  • Kasey 2023-09-23 14:04:36

    Deceiving bank cards or something is weak, this is the ultimate trick, it's...

  • Daphne 2023-08-27 02:55:15

    Look at me so angry! The police use the telephone to direct the case! ? Said to take off the body search and let the search ah! ?Can irrelevant men be present when girls don't cover their bodies? ? The film tells about such a flawed and low-level crime case, so the so-called manager should deal with it like this? Even if you don't graduate from elementary school and have a low IQ, don't you understand the normal feelings of people above!? Sadly: this film is adapted from a real case, and there...

  • Conrad 2023-08-07 21:57:48

    In the face of "authority" blind obedience, most of it comes from one's own...

  • Ray 2023-06-22 13:29:02

    The reality is always more explicit than you...

  • Dandre 2023-05-12 12:26:17

    The soundtrack and group scenes are good at a small cost. From the dew point scene, it was a bit out of control, but fortunately there was no unfinished ending. Recreational discomfort is greater than...

  • Burley 2023-04-14 10:20:56

    A very good psychological movie. Come to think of it, it's absurd to use "bestiality" to describe sin. How can the animal nature produce evil, all the evils of human beings, especially the great evils, all come from the social nature that human beings are proud of. Assign you a social role, and embrace it, and you'll do...

  • Soledad 2023-04-12 05:01:00

    It's really depressing to watch, and there are several scenes that make people unable to look...

  • Mike 2023-04-10 11:49:20

    If it wasn't written at the beginning of the film that it was based on true events, I would not have believed this story at all. And a psychological movie that doesn't make the audience feel the psychology of the characters is by no means a good movie. ....

Extended Reading

Compliance quotes

  • Officer Daniels: We really have two choices here.

    Sandra: Okay, what do you need?

    Officer Daniels: We need to find the money, but I want to make this as easy as possible for Becky, wouldn't you agree?

    Sandra: Yes, I would.

    Officer Daniels: So that's the first thing. And in this situation, either... and I don't like this... we drag her downtown, we book her, we process her, we put her in a holding cell, where she'll probably be all night.

    Sandra: That seems very extreme.

    Officer Daniels: Yeah, I mean, I think in order to keep this sort of contained, what we could do is just have you strip-search her right now. Would just be easier and quicker, I think.

  • Officer Daniels: Great. You're really helping us out here, Sandra. I was just telling Robert how lucky we all are you're there. You're almost like a real cop.

    Sandra: Ha! Well, I'm just trying to do my job.

    Officer Daniels: Well, you're doing perfect.

    Sandra: Thank you.

    Officer Daniels: Okay, so I'm gonna need you have her strip down now. Look through everything.