Company of Heroes Comments

  • Ignatius 2022-12-04 08:03:21

    It turns out that Americans also make movies with this...

  • Larue 2022-12-03 23:55:34

    Why is this movie wasting my time so much~ At the beginning, I was criticized all kinds of things and I thought that I was not deep enough~ I found out that it was completely lacking in one and two~ It’s a remake of a domestic TV...

  • Harmon 2022-11-24 15:33:44

    HD trash. The movie itself can't have more two stars, but for the game, I can barely add one...

  • Greta 2022-11-19 04:54:03

    Excited to see a World War II...

  • Alfreda 2022-11-06 15:06:58

    The first glimpse of the female pig's feet before closing the door is very amazing. In the beginning of the film, the retreat under the siege of the German tank troops is very hot and has the shadow of saving the soldiers. Compared with the domestic garbage war films, it can be said to be a complete victory, especially when the tank is pressed over the human body, and the roaring sound of the MG42 is quite powerful. Of course, this is the main theme movie of the American Empire after all....

  • Kade 2022-11-01 19:23:22

    Anti-German drama,...

  • Kirsten 2022-10-24 17:41:56

    I didn't find any...

  • Trenton 2022-10-21 15:27:33

    The battle is still...

  • Bonita 2022-10-16 07:09:53

    In the end, it is different from the Chinese Anti-Japanese War films. In the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, there has not been a single...

  • Juvenal 2022-09-28 23:04:46

    The name is big and the movie...

Extended Reading

Company of Heroes quotes

  • Lt. Joe Conti: [after Nate wakes up at the hospital] My name is Lieutenant Conti... and I have with me a letter from our division commander. It's of highest importance. "No words could express how grateful we are... for what you and your squad were able to accomplish, given the circumstances. Today, we are truly in the company of heroes." Now, the device that you brought back... that was the very definition of priceless. And I promise you this: History will prove that it was worth every life lost in its pursuit.

    Lt. Joe Conti: Now, that being said... none of what you did, or saw, or learned... from the morning of the German bombardment to your return to this CP... ever happened. There'll be no medals, no commendations, no promotions. You can't tell your family. Hell, you can't even tell your preacher. None of this happened. Do you understand?

    Nate: Yes sir.

  • Brent Willoughby: [Sniffing the air in the offices] Stinking Nazis.

Company of Heroes

Director: Don Michael Paul

Language: English,German Release date: February 26, 2013