Company of Heroes Comments

  • Wendell 2023-01-24 23:42:53

    The Americans took a person, the Soviets took a document...

  • Bailey 2023-01-16 15:26:29

    Although the quality is poor, it is a bit interesting. It feels a bit of an anti-Japanese thunder...

  • Marge 2023-01-07 02:01:00

    Small-cost actors are good, but what is a prop...

  • Deven 2023-01-06 11:06:26

    SU...100...[A group of people shed three deep black lines in front of weapons and heroes [You special meow is a domestic drama,...

  • Esmeralda 2023-01-02 07:22:56

    I have to say that the protagonist's halo is nothing compared to the Chinese anti-Japanese...

  • Leatha 2022-12-25 02:18:20

    After watching it for 20 minutes, I felt that except for some of the explosion effects, it was a bit rubbish. Overall, it was a good war movie. After watching half of it, I realized that it was wrong. Nima, 4 men and 1 woman rushed in and out in a German city of 70 million people. The German Institute of Nuclear Explosion went in and out with a Ph.D. . . But the heroine looks...

  • Letha 2022-12-16 02:58:08

    Intuit all kinds of fakes except the female...

  • Josefina 2022-12-07 17:20:01

    cosplay? As a WWII military fan I can't stand it, but that spy girl looks really...

  • Osbaldo 2022-12-06 04:08:01

    World War II can be made like this, every minute in the movie I want to breathe out the fragrance! Seeing two familiar faces from Company of Brothers and Private Ryan made me hate this movie even...

  • Athena 2022-12-04 19:00:26

    Not even worthy of watching lively movies, are the Nazis so...

Extended Reading

Company of Heroes quotes

  • Lt. Joe Conti: [after Nate wakes up at the hospital] My name is Lieutenant Conti... and I have with me a letter from our division commander. It's of highest importance. "No words could express how grateful we are... for what you and your squad were able to accomplish, given the circumstances. Today, we are truly in the company of heroes." Now, the device that you brought back... that was the very definition of priceless. And I promise you this: History will prove that it was worth every life lost in its pursuit.

    Lt. Joe Conti: Now, that being said... none of what you did, or saw, or learned... from the morning of the German bombardment to your return to this CP... ever happened. There'll be no medals, no commendations, no promotions. You can't tell your family. Hell, you can't even tell your preacher. None of this happened. Do you understand?

    Nate: Yes sir.

  • Brent Willoughby: [Sniffing the air in the offices] Stinking Nazis.

Company of Heroes

Director: Don Michael Paul

Language: English,German Release date: February 26, 2013