Colossal Comments

  • Ivah 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    How do you feel that you change your style every ten minutes~ I can...

  • Jeffry 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    Why doesn't Seoul...

  • Clovis 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    This is a spoof movie, the spoof is the...

  • Brody 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    A very embarrassing movie, you can treat it as a SNL-style spoof, it is too serious; you can treat it as a drama seriously, it is illogical and completely unreasonable; you can treat it as science fiction, it is pure It's a spoof; you think of it as a comedy, it's pale, the character's behavior is unreasonable, and it's not funny; you say that it alludes to the nuclear issue and the political situation, and that is purely trying to find a reason to praise it. Think about the logic before you...

  • Gertrude 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    1. The most awesome movie I've seen this year. 2. This is not science fiction, this is fantasy. 3. This is a comedy. 4. This is a non-alcoholic public welfare film. 5. The rhythm is surprisingly bad, but the reverse thinking reversal in the last 15 minutes is a small bright spot. 6. A lot of drama energy was wasted in meaningless places. 7. This film wasted 3 good actors. 8. I would recommend this film to others, because everyone has to eat...

  • Amelia 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    The gender roles are hanging out hahaha. With three male protagonists, one villain, one asshole, and one waste Barbie, the movie is really awesome and doesn't make any one a romantic interest. In the end, the heroine did not show the so-called "women's benevolence", but simply solved the villain. It's so enjoyable! It's especially commercial, and I don't feel the style at all. The story is definitely the first. Good rhythm and funny lines, a model for commercial...

  • Paris 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    Word God, this should be the most anti-routine movie I have ever watched this year. Thought it was a monster movie, thought it was a romance movie, thought it was a chicken soup movie, and turned out to be a spoof of the heroine tearing the hero! Those who are gloomy in their hearts can be brought along! I confess that I am Anne Hathaway, even if I play a drunkard, wisdom and beauty are both...

  • Zane 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    Hahahaha is a serious nonsense, black question mark face throughout, but after all, the monster movie has serious routines, and it is quite interesting to make it like...

  • Sophia 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    It's not a monster movie, it's not a romance movie, or a healing movie. As for what type it is, I don't know. Fighting for a while, crying for a while, tenderness for a while, mourning for a while, a pot of simmering, I don't know what I saw. @2017-05-03...

  • Maria 2022-01-04 08:02:21

    My God, I can't believe this is a movie made by my big Annie and big cousin together. The various stupid plots make people want to abandon the film every minute. No head and no brain have no idea what to express. The inner anger turned into monsters to pinch each other? Stupid friend for a while, good for a while, and for a wicked one? Inability to...

Extended Reading

Colossal quotes

  • Oscar: So, you don't remember anything we talked about last night, huh?

    Gloria: I got really melodramatic, didn't I?

  • Gloria: [throws the bar keys towards Oscar] Here! There are your keys; I'm not coming back to your shitty bar!

    Oscar: [picking up the keys] Yeah you are.

    Gloria: [panting] Oh yeah?

    Oscar: Yeah.

    [Throws the keys at Gloria with enough force to hurt her]

    Gloria: [holding her stomach in pain] Ow!

    Oscar: [calmly] You're gonna keep working at the bar, or I'm gonna come back here tomorrow, and destroy an entire neighborhood.

    Gloria: [through her teeth, bringing her face close to Oscar's] Then I'll come back and I'll kick your fucking ass!

    Oscar: [still calm] No you won't. I'm done being Mr. Nice Guy.

    [Knocks her to the ground. Gloria grunts in pain as she hits the ground hard]

    Oscar: [leans down, calm] see you at work?

    [Gloria looks up at him speechless]

    Oscar: I'll see you at work.