Colossal Comments

  • Percy 2022-03-22 09:02:15

    No brains, sister Hathaway, you should read the script and then continue the film, the whole is a surrealistic...

  • Letha 2022-03-22 09:02:15

    Looking for a big cousin to play such an arrogant middle-class boyfriend in the original voice, is it funny to be such a black Englishman? Hahaha, I have enough brain holes, but I didn't keep up with the enthusiasm. How do I feel that Anne Hathaway is...

  • Nestor 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    Music 5 Picture 5 Director 6 Story 7 Acting 7 Impression 7 Average 6.4/10 The monster movie is unexpectedly a story about the female self, and the brain hole is a bit interesting. The muddle after drinking is vividly filmed. It is ironic that even if he has done the great thing of saving mankind, he is still troubled by the trivial matter of whether he should quit drinking. Heroes are not so easy to be, you can still save...

  • Haskell 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    Super brain hole, very...

  • Nico 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    It's the kind of Woody Allen movie that Woody Allen wouldn't...

  • Modesto 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    Hahaha what a surprise and funny! Total's anti-routine, no romantic plot is really great, all childhood sweethearts and ex-boyfriends go to hell, I really like Hathaway's character, how about drunk Luther, who is beautiful and double business online, computer stickers are a big wave, The fucking Wes Anderson movie, I really enjoyed watching the tearing monsters, and the smile at the end was...

  • Terrill 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    In the end, it was very burning, and the process was rather boring. Hathaway grabbed the male protagonist and threw it far away, um, this must be a Japanese-Korean-style comic book, with a strong two-dimensional flavor. Taking the male and female protagonists' mutual psychological shortcomings into monsters as an example, the stalk is that when the old beauty snorts, Korea will tremble three times, and the weak countries must rise up and beat...

  • Brennan 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    How should I evaluate it... To be honest, this movie is really weird, it's not like a sci-fi movie, it's not fun enough to say a comedy movie, a drama movie is too mentally retarded, and a romance movie is completely unromantic, very "Four dissimilars" movies, and there are countless bugs, but this setting is really good, at least it has a refreshing feeling. Although the word of mouth is seriously divided, it is still...

  • Cora 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    The monster movie played by Anne Hathaway, in which Anne Hathaway plays the monster, plus some male characters who are either scumbags or passers-by or cannon fodder, really anti-routine ( ´▽`) created a low-cost B-level monster movie new...

  • Karson 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    Toronto Film Festival. Holding the heart of watching horror movies, I didn't expect it to be a comedy with a big brain hole and a funny whole...

Extended Reading

Colossal quotes

  • Oscar: So, you don't remember anything we talked about last night, huh?

    Gloria: I got really melodramatic, didn't I?

  • Gloria: [throws the bar keys towards Oscar] Here! There are your keys; I'm not coming back to your shitty bar!

    Oscar: [picking up the keys] Yeah you are.

    Gloria: [panting] Oh yeah?

    Oscar: Yeah.

    [Throws the keys at Gloria with enough force to hurt her]

    Gloria: [holding her stomach in pain] Ow!

    Oscar: [calmly] You're gonna keep working at the bar, or I'm gonna come back here tomorrow, and destroy an entire neighborhood.

    Gloria: [through her teeth, bringing her face close to Oscar's] Then I'll come back and I'll kick your fucking ass!

    Oscar: [still calm] No you won't. I'm done being Mr. Nice Guy.

    [Knocks her to the ground. Gloria grunts in pain as she hits the ground hard]

    Oscar: [leans down, calm] see you at work?

    [Gloria looks up at him speechless]

    Oscar: I'll see you at work.