Collateral Comments

  • Guillermo 2023-03-23 23:55:03

    In the end, the symbolism and drama of the two events brought together by the birth of a British citizen who has dispelled the death of an angry and guilty British citizen and the offspring of another illegal immigrant is wonderful. Such a short space has created many characters, different identities and classes are unfolded by a shooting incident as a key conflict, and the impact of the incident is shown in a panoramic way. The script is really...

  • Kathleen 2023-03-20 16:14:48

    Beautiful cold, firm...

  • Trisha 2023-03-06 12:17:59

    Similar to the second season of The Tunnel, the detailed breakdown of current British society caused by immigration-related crimes, the rhythm of the first three episodes is okay, and the fourth episode is a bit disappointing with some unreasonable plot developments for the end. Mulligan's baby-faced detective isn't very convincing, but it's a little more appropriate when it comes to feeding suspects with chicken...

  • Dane 2023-02-19 20:23:54

    The pattern is very...

  • Bernhard 2023-02-17 23:08:22

    I admit I just wanted to see Carey Mulligen and listen to...

  • Eveline 2023-02-16 17:55:43

    The plot is mediocre, but I really haven't seen this kind of drama in such a long time that almost every character is so...

  • Evangeline 2023-02-15 21:14:43

    Everyone has gone too far, Labour is calling for refugees but forgot to clean up the mess around them, globalization has magnified the evil, have gone so far in their respective systems that they become one with the system you can’t live without the system Just like a pastor can't live without a church. Pizza shop owner lives in boca raton to harvest...

  • Willa 2023-02-11 08:05:03

    The disadvantage is that it is too short, the dialogue is perfect, and the ambition to discuss multiple social issues at the same time is also 80% complete. Mulligan's acting has improved but there is still room for improvement. Due to the topic of discussion, it is not recommended for those who do not accept or learn the basic values ​​and logical thinking of the contemporary world, and who obtain information from their mobile phones. Ten years ago, I would never have imagined that society...

  • Hayden 2023-02-09 02:52:18

    The first episode wasn't bad, everyone had a bad...

  • Miles 2023-02-01 19:54:51

    The first two episodes were okay, but the last two episodes went badly. Neither genre nor plot, director and screenwriter...