Cold in July Comments

  • Will 2023-07-13 12:09:00

    very cool! As a leading figure in the new wave of American independent horror films, Jim Mikko used the murderous thriller as the opening tone this time, and then used the role as the driving force to change the tone of the film, from the suspense of detective crime movies to the joy of western movies. Qiu is sometimes warm and humorous and sometimes violent. Even the appearance styles of the three protagonists are quite different. All kinds of tribute to Carpenter, that very exciting...

  • Blaise 2023-07-04 14:20:54

    This movie gave me a personal shock no less than the "Taxi Driver" I watched on Qingdao Cable when I was in sixth grade. A good movie is like this. There are a few clips in it, and the picture will remain in your memory forever and become a part of your life. For me personally, the moment when the old man finally shot, and that line, will be forever with the background...

  • Krystina 2023-06-30 23:01:04

    Humanity is greater than the law, manslaughter to take the blame, inform the traitor, sexual abuse video, father-son confrontation without...

  • Hubert 2023-06-29 00:13:52

    Although the rating is not high, I think it is a very good crime thriller. The strong male hormone narcissism permeates the whole process, and the shooting techniques and tone and soundtrack are carefully crafted without perfunctory. The plot is a bit out of line, from killing one person to implicated one person to killing many people to the father personally shooting the son, the main line is not concentrated but the chain reaction continues. No matter how many bugs there are, the atmosphere...

  • Rico 2023-06-16 22:47:11

    The male protagonist's motivation to intervene in the last incident is far-fetched, more like a cowboy hero dream of a man to protect his wife and...

  • Chelsey 2023-06-04 08:24:44

    A sincere low-cost production, the plot is very attractive, the male and female protagonists are actors of SW TV station, and they look very intimate. The video clips are classic, nothing is more unacceptable than the fact that the person closest to you is a perverted murderer, but the level of the second half drops significantly, and it is slightly...

  • Katelyn 2023-06-02 06:50:17

    With this story, there is room for improvement in the rendering of the atmosphere and the shaping of...

  • Anthony 2023-05-24 02:28:56

    You can watch the shady story, is the world police a family?...

  • Letha 2023-05-19 21:37:40

    In the middle of the film, the director experienced a hangover from alcohol and psychedelic drugs, and made the second half into another film. I'm talking nonsense, but that's roughly the feeling. Both the front and rear films were shot very well, but they couldn't be seen together. It's too...

  • Franco 2023-04-23 05:04:16

    It doesn't matter who the person who killed by mistake was in the first place. ....

Extended Reading

Cold in July quotes

  • [Last lines]

    Freddy: Are you really my father?

    Russel: As far as I know.

  • Jim Bob: All right, boys, it's Howdy Doody time.