Clue Comments

  • Maia 2022-12-11 22:41:52

    Why do I remember to watch this movie? Is it "Knives...

  • Zoe 2022-12-03 10:47:34

    Humorous and grotesque as the main, supplemented by peeling and cocooning; six corpses, six murder weapons, and three answers. PS: CHUCK plays a...

  • Lori 2022-11-27 13:48:22

    Forget it. . . 555555555. So ugly. ....

  • Guy 2022-11-25 19:53:51

    I don't know if the screenwriter did it on purpose or what. The three answers in this case seem to be wrong, and only a part of the foreshadowing has been recovered. There is a feeling of bottled hell. The multi-answer flow feels like sophistry. There is a close-up of who is not present when the chef's body is found at the scene. This is a red letter, and the subsequent answers are contradictory to it. In fact, the idea of ​​the movie is very good, but this illogical and exaggerated style is...

  • Coralie 2022-11-18 04:40:22

    The performance style is like a stage play, and it is recommended from an entertainment perspective! There is humor in the suspense, and ingenuity in the humor. It was only after the three endings were arranged that it was found to be satire, satirizing various detective suspense and reasoning stories such as "Snowstorm Night". ps: The beginning part reminds me of "Famous", which was very popular last...

  • Verda 2022-11-04 04:26:13

    The key is not to solve the case, but to be...

  • Dessie 2022-10-30 16:30:24

    Let's take a look at the FBI propaganda video. At least the red herring of communism and Hoover are the clues running through it. The butler did it! The truth of the universe, teasing the reasoning movie like a bizarre feast, Tim Curry's gags mobilized the comedy atmosphere, and the multiple endings showed that the screenwriter did not take suspense seriously at all. The idiots who get the lunch box in five minutes in detective novels, get...

  • Reginald 2022-10-29 19:17:02

    After watching it today, I found out that I have seen this film, and how bad my memory...

  • Ruby 2022-10-15 07:42:35

    Tempest Hills. Shouldn't it be Armstrong's ending song this time? Someone really made the original Tempest Villa, I thought it was the Japanese who like to do this kind of thing. The plot is tight and the talk is fast. Beautiful women are beautiful, but detectives are ugly. The plot is really dense, don't watch it at a glance. The first two endings don't make sense. The last mass crime ending was okay. Still...

  • Brenda 2022-10-15 04:34:15

    2018-08-05 The marked want to see. Very exaggerated, interesting, and very creative at the end, I especially like this type of reasoning film.

Extended Reading

Clue quotes

  • Mr. Green: Who would wanna kill the cook?

    Miss Scarlet: Dinner wasn't that bad.

    Colonel Mustard: How can you make jokes at a time like this?

    Miss Scarlet: It's my defense mechanism.

    Colonel Mustard: Some defense. If I was the killer, I would kill you next.

    Miss Scarlet: Oh?

    [Everyone looks at Colonel Mustard]

    Colonel Mustard: I said, "if". *If*!

  • Wadsworth: Professor Plum, you were once a professor of psychiatry specializing in helping paranoid and homicidal lunatics suffering from delusions of grandeur.

    Professor Plum: Yes, but now I work for the United Nations.

    Wadsworth: So your work has not changed.


Director: Jonathan Lynn

Language: English,French Release date: December 13, 1985

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