Clouds of Sils Maria Comments

  • Libbie 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    The Taiwanese translation of the film's title "Starlight and Clouds of Silence" is a fitting and beautiful interpretation of it: you and me under the spotlight are like Maloya's cloud snake passing through the gap for a moment, and then it is all lonely. The time of the movie shatters into a cloud of flowing clouds. The characters in the play are embedded in the four stages of flaming life, and they overlap each other sharply; the dialogues in the sky penetrate the curtain of the drama, and the...

  • Celestine 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    Awesome. For the lines in the play, each sentence says the thoughts of the characters in the play, but each word is aimed at one's own destiny in reality and at the moment. Women and actresses feel the melancholy, fear and anxiety of old age, and the disdain and envy when they see the arrogance of the younger generation. Every look of Binoche is a play. The subtle ambiguity between her and the female assistant and the sudden disappearance of the assistant are so...

  • Shaina 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    The scene of the cloud snake is so spectacular. The scene of the lines blurs the reality and the unreal, and it has no meaning. Binoche's acting skills are amazing. Some people always say that Xiao K is paralyzed, but I think it's okay. Three and a...

  • Drake 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    Discuss the mid-life crisis of women and the passage of time. The Twilight Girl won the Caesar Award for Best Supporting Actress, and Binoche's performance is excellent. She plays a triple text that forms reality/film/drama. The interweaving of the past and the present is both true and fantasy .Many metaphors bring a broad space for interpretation. Photography and classical music are great, but the rhythm is a little dull. Also as a play within a play, this film lacks the subtle form and dark...

  • Misty 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    The "Snake of Maloya" is really beautiful, the clouds and mists hovering in the mountains, the fairy spirit is peaceful outside, and the undercurrent is surging inside. Like the process of changing the mentality of the protagonist Maria. Above the top of the stars and the moon, but afraid of time variables, how to choose the present, fight or compromise, in fact, in the face of the torrent of time, the boundaries have already been blurred, and reality and delusion can only be blurred. "Snake of...

  • Haylee 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    I feel that "Birdman" is relative to this film, maybe like "The Reader" relative to "Phenomenology of Spirit". (Reviewing it four years later, it is impossible for the heroine to have never seen Moroya's...

  • Chaim 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    The structure of the script is excellent. It has the classical tradition of European literary films, and it does not reject the present and try to conform to it; the relationships and issues discussed are complex, but the filming is very clever, and it kneels down to Binoche's acting skills every minute. In addition, watching Maloya's Snake on the big screen is very shocking and transcends the existence of...

  • Shania 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    When you come to a certain turning point in your life, you suddenly find that you are far away from yourself. Those moments full of confusion, anger and fear were swallowed up by the silent and turbulent river of clouds. She went to another world, and here she has to live...

  • Pete 2022-03-27 09:01:17

    Xiao K is a facial paralysis but can't hide the light of his acting. The little details are just amazing ps Are you sure you like...

  • Sharon 2022-03-27 09:01:17

    Exquisite character setting, lines arrangement. The subtle changes in the character's mentality and relationship are shown through the play within the play. At one point, it was unclear whether the two female protagonists were practicing their lines or having a real conversation, or should I say both. Wonderful. Juliette Binoche's performance is very good, and it is very true to interpret the various mental and emotional changes of the actress who has long been famous but has begun to age and...

Extended Reading

Clouds of Sils Maria quotes

  • Christopher Giles: Tastes can get worn out, kind of like desire.

  • Maria Enders: [Referring to the proposed role of Helena] Time's gone by and she can't accept it. Me neither, I guess.

    Klaus Diesterweg: There is no antagonism. It's the attraction of two women with the same wound. Sigrid and Helena are one and the same person. One and the same person. That's what the play's about. And because you were Sigrid, only you can be Helena now.

    Maria Enders: How can you be so sure?

    Klaus Diesterweg: You know as well as I do that Wilhelm Melchior had been working on a sequel for years.

    Maria Enders: Yes. But it was about Sigrid at 40 years old.

    Klaus Diesterweg: No, it was about Sigrid 20 years later became Helena.

    Maria Enders: So who's going to play Sigrid?

    Klaus Diesterweg: Jo-Ann Ellis. She did a superhero movie that just opened in the States.

    Maria Enders: And besides that?

    Klaus Diesterweg: Not much. She's 19. She's a lot more interesting that her interviews and profiles. She has a theatrical background. She doesn't want to be swallowed up by Hollywood. She admires you and is willing to pull out of her other commitments.

    Maria Enders: I'll listen carefully. But to be honest, the role scares me. Helena scares me. I'm in the middle of a divorce. I feel alone, and vulnerable. Probably too vulnerable to do this.

    Klaus Diesterweg: If you refuse, I'll understand, but it will be a missed opportunity, especially for Wilhelm.

    Maria Enders: I should get going.

    Klaus Diesterweg: Excuse me, but I won't be staying for dinner. Good evening madam.

    Maria Enders: Klaus, I have another reason. Susan Rosenberg. She played Helena with me.

    Klaus Diesterweg: I remember Susan Rosenberg.

    Maria Enders: She died in a car accident a year after. It's a superstition; I've always associated her death with Helena's suicide.

    Klaus Diesterweg: She was a lousy actress who didn't understand a thing about the role. And her conventional style of acting highlighted the modernity of your performance. You should be grateful to her.