Clouds of Sils Maria Comments

  • Kiley 2022-04-22 07:01:47

    First of all, congratulations to Eel's ex-husband, she can finally make a movie. Following "After May" once again brought a good film. In addition, let's talk about Binoche. Among all the foreign actresses who have grown up with Chinese fans, I personally feel that she is the only one who truly interprets the meaning of "goddess" from "form and spirit". In the end, a tragic conclusion must be drawn: the "goddess" will also grow...

  • Kirsten 2022-04-22 07:01:47

    50 Kristen Stewart is so handsome I want to marry...

  • Alda 2022-03-29 09:01:07

    This is a movie about a movie in...

  • Jarrod 2022-03-29 09:01:07

    I like to watch literary and artistic films, which can always arouse some thoughts or feelings or insights. The performance of the two actors is still very good, but the pace of this movie is too slow. The cost of this movie is too small, two actors are...

  • Darlene 2022-03-29 09:01:07

    When youth is gone, you will feel that the way you see the world is different. It's just that the world doesn't see itself the way it used...

  • Teagan 2022-03-29 09:01:07

    Life is like a play or a play is like life. Several plays directly magnify the director's ambition. It is a rare good movie. As a man, it is difficult to understand the complexity of Juliet's character. It's just a little sigh, thinking that life and roles are connected in reincarnation like a cloud snake, it's enough to make people feel scared. This is perhaps the most glamorous and difficult part of being an actor - selling your...

  • Hadley 2022-03-29 09:01:07

    There are all kinds of interests in the text, but what attracts me the most is the unannounced farewell on a mountain...

  • Junius 2022-03-29 09:01:07

    But where did the little assistant Xiao K go in the...

  • Wyatt 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    I didn't think it was as bad as my friend said, the process was very enjoyable. The dialogue during the reading and the "intertext" between the two in real life are also interesting. What I don't like about Assayas is that he is too contrived, as if the sea of ​​clouds is beautiful, but it is a bit far-fetched to use it in the film; the change of hairstyle is related to the script in the play. not accurate...

  • Nelda 2022-03-28 09:01:09

    Theater, film, novel, music, and other literary styles constitute the backbone (representation relationship) of the film, so let's call it a meta-literary film. Assayas came at his fingertips. Both the play and the play within the play revolve around two actresses, but the attention is all taken away by Binoche's assistant, who is not only beautiful and fashionable, but the only normal woman in it, she doesn't take on the drama - she's reflexive , abruptly left the scene in the middle, mocking...

Extended Reading

Clouds of Sils Maria quotes

  • Christopher Giles: Tastes can get worn out, kind of like desire.

  • Maria Enders: [Referring to the proposed role of Helena] Time's gone by and she can't accept it. Me neither, I guess.

    Klaus Diesterweg: There is no antagonism. It's the attraction of two women with the same wound. Sigrid and Helena are one and the same person. One and the same person. That's what the play's about. And because you were Sigrid, only you can be Helena now.

    Maria Enders: How can you be so sure?

    Klaus Diesterweg: You know as well as I do that Wilhelm Melchior had been working on a sequel for years.

    Maria Enders: Yes. But it was about Sigrid at 40 years old.

    Klaus Diesterweg: No, it was about Sigrid 20 years later became Helena.

    Maria Enders: So who's going to play Sigrid?

    Klaus Diesterweg: Jo-Ann Ellis. She did a superhero movie that just opened in the States.

    Maria Enders: And besides that?

    Klaus Diesterweg: Not much. She's 19. She's a lot more interesting that her interviews and profiles. She has a theatrical background. She doesn't want to be swallowed up by Hollywood. She admires you and is willing to pull out of her other commitments.

    Maria Enders: I'll listen carefully. But to be honest, the role scares me. Helena scares me. I'm in the middle of a divorce. I feel alone, and vulnerable. Probably too vulnerable to do this.

    Klaus Diesterweg: If you refuse, I'll understand, but it will be a missed opportunity, especially for Wilhelm.

    Maria Enders: I should get going.

    Klaus Diesterweg: Excuse me, but I won't be staying for dinner. Good evening madam.

    Maria Enders: Klaus, I have another reason. Susan Rosenberg. She played Helena with me.

    Klaus Diesterweg: I remember Susan Rosenberg.

    Maria Enders: She died in a car accident a year after. It's a superstition; I've always associated her death with Helena's suicide.

    Klaus Diesterweg: She was a lousy actress who didn't understand a thing about the role. And her conventional style of acting highlighted the modernity of your performance. You should be grateful to her.