City Lights Comments

  • Glenna 2021-10-22 14:42:26

    A close-up of the last look, pointing directly at the...

  • Mariela 2021-10-22 14:42:26

    Love is light, lighting up the city, but at the end of the smile is moved. Chaplin turned out to be the master of love...

  • Virgie 2021-10-22 14:42:26

    Although it is a fairy tale, the film method is quite rich and excellent. In the infancy of the film, when the art of film itself was not so mature, it was really hard work that the creator could radiate with all his...

  • Coleman 2021-10-22 14:42:24

    Most of the time, all sorts of hilariousness, but at the end can't help crying~ It is indeed Chaplin, with both critical, humorous and warm positive energy! In Charlie's last silent film, the love between the tramp and the flower-blind girl touched many people; the laughter continued to flow, and the boxing scene was unparalleled; the ending was rated as the best ending in film history. How many contemporary soap operas can reach the highest level of this kind of comedy with tears in laughter?...

  • Osbaldo 2021-10-22 14:42:22

    "When her eyes were not healed, she said, "He is not just a rich man", and when her eyes are healed, will she still say such words? At the end, a smile , Leaving all imagination to us. When she can finally witness the light of this city, can she still feel the light of a person's...

Extended Reading

City Lights quotes

  • The Tramp: You can see now?

    A Blind Girl: Yes, I can see now.

  • The Tramp: Tomorrow the birds will sing.