Child's Pose Comments

  • Shanny 2023-01-06 03:24:21

    Golden Bear winner. When the Chinese Dream Pigeon was sprayed to perfection, "Children's Pose" tells people that there is no difference between the mothers of the eastern and western elites - no matter what the child becomes, for the mother, it will always be the child's position curled up in her womb. The heroine can be called the biggest bright spot. She burst into tears in the face of the victim's family, and the cold and meticulousness of extricating her son from the crime is alternately...

  • Dahlia 2023-01-04 06:49:25

    The new wave in Romania is about Mengge meeting Li Gang by...

  • Lavonne 2022-10-17 00:26:14

    In the face of such a sudden accident, how will the mother and son and the couple, who are already estranged in their hearts, deal with it? How will the perpetrator's family and the victim's family come into contact? The director uses a large number of dialogues between the characters to frame the film, which is plain and ordinary. It doesn't matter how long the final sentence of the offender's son is. What stands out is the final visit, which is similar to atonement. In fact, this is the...

  • Kristina 2022-10-04 14:01:56

    The style is quite documentary, but the meaning is quite forceful, whether it is people or events, the traces of the design are very heavy, the camera is constantly pushed, pulled and shaken, the relationship between people and the heart, the hypocrisy of the upper class is at a glance, the only real thing is "selfishness" Mom can really act The subtitle group couldn't stand it and put brackets next to it and said (isn't this Ms. Mengge vomited)...

  • Janelle 2022-09-11 20:31:29

    Another "Past", endless talk, shaky footage, omitted soundtrack, trivial plots, and irresistible plots, watching such a boring film, life really...

  • Celine 2022-09-03 06:33:07

    A mother cannot and should not worry about her son for the rest of her life. If a mother loves too much, it is the desire to control. In fact, hand-held and intensive dialogue should not coexist, otherwise Akira would have to chase after the subtitles when he was uncomfortable, and he was tired. The in-car shots at the end are...

  • Kiana 2022-07-16 23:41:24

    It looks like a class issue, but it's actually a mother-son issue; hand-held photography with unbridled zooms and jumps... that's not what Netzer did before. Deleted two sunny day scenes (this is right, keep the gloomy atmosphere) and one night scene (this is also right, the information is repeated); but the information is too dependent on dialogue. Vlad Ivanov is really the best actor in one scene... Everyone is talking about the long shot at the end, which is really...

  • Randi 2022-07-16 16:33:20

    1. Your child is your treasure and is worthless to someone else's mother, in the same way, how many tears would you really shed for a stranger's child? 2. In the relationship between mother and child, mothers are always the weaker party, because their love is too tolerant; 3. Negligence hurts,...

  • Aliza 2022-07-16 16:26:01

    The definition of motherly love is also an attack on the selfish moral values ​​and corrupt social system of the Romanian bourgeoisie. The shaking hand-held photography throughout allows the audience to be on the scene and examine the hearts of the characters through the director's...

  • Elda 2022-07-16 11:39:41

    Well worth the Golden Bear movie. The name of the new wave is given by the international media, and Romania has always had its own lens language. In terms of translation names, Child refers to the 34-year-old son, Pose means position, and Child's Pose is a posture of yoga. Actor Bogdan Dumitrache is the 2011 Locarno Best Actor. China also had a best actress in Locarno last year, but the page could not be...

Extended Reading

Child's Pose quotes

  • Cornelia Keneres: What did I do wrong?

    Barbu: Never mind now. I'm putting this on the table. You can say yes or no. You either let me call you when I feel like it, or it's nothing. And a suggestion. If it's hard, find a substitute. A dog, a lover, a hobby. People your age visit the Pyramids.

    Cornelia Keneres: Other people my age have a normal relationship with their child. Parents find their fulfillment in their children. Everything they failed to accomplish, they achieve through their children.

    Barbu: So we're agreed.