Chasing Coral Comments

  • Oscar 2023-06-26 13:23:52

    I haven't dived for a long time. I'm afraid that the next time I go diving in Southeast Asia, the corals in Southeast Asia will become like the documentary. I hope the world will get better...

  • Katheryn 2023-06-26 04:10:41

    BSC Channel HD Original Soundtrack, Coral is vital to marine ecology, but humans and other creatures...

  • Angelina 2023-06-22 17:36:05

    6 points, this documentary is nonsense, Trump said, the world is not warming (we need to be warmer), the environment is not a problem! [Meow] [Score range 5-6...

  • Don 2023-06-04 13:30:02

    Appeal, global warming is causing the collapse of coral ecosystems and the world is not our...

  • Anahi 2023-06-02 09:36:58

    He said to him, "You have to keep doing it, and you won't hate yourself when you're old. I'll keep doing it until the end of my life. There's no way I can't stop doing it. We have no...

  • Dianna 2023-05-22 22:41:36

    It's bland and provocative, not my favorite hardcore documentary, but it's emotionally...

  • Zechariah 2023-05-15 01:28:16

    4.5 stars. The scientific process of coral bleaching takes up a lot of space, and the rest can be admired for these beautiful creatures—with a view of...

  • Irving 2023-05-13 15:35:42

    Today (2020) the environment, especially the general environment, is getting less and less attention. Perhaps one generation will not notice the change in the foundation of the environment, and only the younger generation will realize that there are no butterflies every day, and the surrounding plants are only a single species, and the destruction of corals has brought about It's not just a small change... but it's useless to say more, this is the fate of the human...

  • Johanna 2023-05-12 15:38:57

    Similar to most environmental documentaries, the large-scale bleaching of corals, that is, death, is used to prove that the earth's temperature has risen and the environment has been destroyed, calling for attention from all walks of life. Finally, a solution was proposed, and it seems that the situation has developed for the better. The United States has just withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, causing global outrage, will it really be okay? The beauty of the underwater world is still good,...

  • Chet 2023-05-12 08:13:53

    The bleached and dead coral reefs are like a pile of...

Extended Reading

Chasing Coral quotes

  • Andrew Ackerman: They say it's one of the rarest events in nature happening and everyone's just oblivious to it. And you can't blame them for it, it's just almost typical of all of humanity. - Andrew Ackerman, Chasing Coral