Capsule Comments

  • Talia 2022-12-10 00:20:26

    2.11, 2017 doesn't feel like a setting in the...

  • Pearlie 2022-11-13 05:19:21

    I watched the award-winning one, this one is really...

  • Clementine 2022-10-25 20:20:26

    In fact, it can be shortened a little bit, and the rhythm can be...

  • Lindsay 2022-10-25 18:48:00

    The subtitles at the end of the film show that it should be an adaptation of a real event, regardless of whether it is true or false, this pot is a mess, and it is still bad. The movie was badly shot, nearly 80 minutes of one-man show, and the non-stop chatter under the psychological collapse, few audiences could bear it. At the end of the film, a new scene finally appeared with people, and as a result, everyone moved mechanically. I don't know if it's the director's intention or something...

  • Leonard 2022-10-25 18:29:41

    How can the psychological quality of astronauts be so poor, and ordinary people are not calm when encountering things. The whole film is a British pornographic film, right? Britain sent people into space in...

  • Cleora 2022-10-25 16:55:57

    The beginning is very monotonous. The whole story is full of dialogue between the male protagonist and the voice in the microphone. I didn't want to watch half of it, but I finally endured the monotony and finished it. The whole story is really ups and downs, and I can never guess the...

  • Germaine 2022-10-25 13:20:51

    Cold War Space Race. Too stuffy. Last long...


Director: Andrew Martin

Language: English Release date: October 7, 2016

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