Brother Comments

  • Colt 2022-03-20 09:03:08

    It contains a lot of content, but it is very clear in the slow and leisurely narrative. I like the dialogue when I parted with the Germans, as if the Germans are the ones who understand Russian cities. The characters in the movie are like rats in the sewer who never see the sun. The male protagonist gives up everything except music. It feels very real, and every actor is very involved in the play. The traditional shooting method of fading in and out leaves a lot of reverie for the audience....

  • Elmer 2022-03-20 09:03:08

    Fifty Russian movies in one go, I really love Russian...

  • Mervin 2022-03-20 09:03:08

    He loves the tram driver, the tram driver sleeps with him only because he is handsome, he loves street girls, girls only like money and drugs, he loves his brother, he uses it, he loves Germans, but Russians like it Terrible for the...

  • Dayana 2022-03-20 09:03:08

    BAM 7/12/2013...

  • Jennifer 2022-03-20 09:03:08

    It's a bit like Quentin's film, but the romance here is as cold as white mist spit out. The Grim Reaper, listening to the music, walked quietly across the street...

  • Anabel 2022-03-20 08:01:13

    This one is good, it's like that, the killer is cold and cute, but the explanation is not clear enough. And the name of the film is "Brother". In fact, most of the time there is no brother, and there is no...

  • Mike 2022-03-20 08:01:13

    Balabanov is really a low-key and powerful director, and I have watched several of his films without realizing it. Russia in the 1990s was messy and rotten, and even St. Petersburg smelled like a wasteland. The female driver who drives the tram is so handsome, and the two walk through the abandoned tram depot together, which is the most tender moment in the whole film. It's just like black and black, morality, family affection and love are not credible. Discman has a high appearance rate. It...

  • Daija 2022-03-20 08:01:13

    The highest-ranking film in New Russia. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin tried to use "shock therapy" to solve economic problems, but the plan failed and the currency depreciated seriously. This is why the watermelon in the film costs 1,000 rubles and an album costs tens of thousands of rubles. At the same time, the turbulent and hopeless social environment also brought the Russian gang into a golden age of development. As far as the film is concerned, it is relatively...

  • Horacio 2022-03-20 08:01:13

    7. where are you going, go to...

  • Lloyd 2022-03-20 08:01:13

    In the end the hero hitchhiked. It's snowing heavily outside, and inside the truck drivers wear vests. The driver asked what do you want to do? He said he wanted to be a driver. Then the long gun in his arms fell out and he quickly picked it up. The driver smiled slightly, as if to say: So it is, of...

Extended Reading

Brother quotes

  • Danila: You're a good man, German.

  • Danila: Soon your entire America's going to bite it!


Director: Aleksey Balabanov

Language: Russian,English,French Release date: July 8, 1998

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